nice people who have respect for women.
in good company, when harry met sally, spanglish, time and again, if only, close to you,crash, top gun, white chicks, bridget jones diary 1 & 2, love actually, ever after, tuck everlasting,peterpan,american beauty, big fish,remembering the titans, meet joe black, american pie3,chasing liberty, LOTR, pretty woman, while you were sleeping, moulin rouge, chicago, count of monte cristo, SHREK 1&2, 50 first dates, king kong, the notebook, mr & mrs smith, the 40 year old virgin...
that 70's show, grey's anatomy, america's next top model, project runway,wild n out, alias, american idol, friends, gilmore girls,My wife & kids, amazing race, csi, MTV & VH1 shows
onse minutos, harry potter, walk to remember, the irish princess, gossip girl series, the other woman, the drama queen, como agua para chocolate, love in the time of cholera, lovely bones (never liked catcher in the rye... it's kinda depressing and dragging... wonder why people like it..)
anyone who is skillful at killing a flying cockroach