Music, shopping, music, staying in shape, music, movies, spending time with my family and did i mention music
I would love to go back in time and interview Sally Hemings. Can you even imagine, a slave sleeping with the man who wrote the Delcaration of Indepence??? I bet that girl would have some stories to tell.I think I would also like to meet President Bush. I would love to know what is going through his head with is approval rating in the toliet.
I love my I-Pod. It full of RnB... got my girls Mary J and Toni all over it
I would have to say Soul Food is my absolute favorite movie. The ups and downs of the family... it so real... even though the ending is a bit much
I love documentaries (history channel, national geographic channel)... cant get enough of my music stations, and for the tom boy in me i need me some sportscenter
my grandmother