I liked collecting tax and stealing but now i'm the opposite i like to give and be kind and help...
I would absoloutely love to meet God and i'd likew to see jesus again but he's off busy doing his buisness...
Reason for making of this:
This was a great idea for expressing what i wanted to talk about because what happened was a i used to be a tax collector but now i'm a great man that doesn't steal, in fact i give and help it feels so good, it happened because one day there was a load of ker-fuffle about JESUS and i wanted to know what was going on so, because i was so short and getting shoved around like a kid, i climbed a tree and then JESUS!!! told me to come down the tree so i did and he told me h'd dine at my house that night so he did and he showed me the errors of my ways i.e: Stealing. It changed me into a different man so i gave all the stolen cash back and now i have lots of friends too :) :) :)
I like songs like erm... Away in a manger, Once in royal david's city and more :)
I quite like the film 'The last temptation of christ'...
My favourite channel is 'religious television 22'
Christ and Modernity, The bible and more...
My very best hero is JESUS!!!!
Enemies My worst enemy is SATAN!