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"God is my shoulder I lean on, his wings brought me outlooks on life." Wut Up we jus 3 musically influenced clientel for tha upcomin. We str8 off tha streets of N.H. Long quiet neighborhood but party excessively, due to tha high volume of drugs takin over tha streets. No real jobs unless u succomb to tha industry by means of temp services, n than maybe a job. But 4 us hustlin’s tha key 2 success by all means, interracial area but I’ll b damned if something bad don’t happen, syke it already has, US!
Imagine traffic so bad it makes U scream
U awake in a mist of car parts dartin past so fast they’re in ur reach
babies cryin tha dash molded round ur partner’s cheek
blood everywhere n ur missin teeth
a cold sweat takes over n embraces tha scene
hearts beatin so hard it only seems
that life no longer exists n ur truly deemd
alarm clocks ringin so loud U awake from Ur dream
look around n ask urself could it be
wife n child beside u still asleep
wut wonders could it mean
lifes always full of deceit
Thank tha LORD everyday 4 lettin U breathe!!!!!!Take Time out of ur busy day 2 let those u kno n care bout how u truly feel.....Lifes way 2 precious so take advantage of it........