"Bonny" Charlotte profile picture

"Bonny" Charlotte

Everyone has their own pre-conceived notion of who you are. They're never right.

About Me

I'm a grad student at the U of MN. My BA is in French with a minor in Russian, and I have also studied Spanish. For now I'm working at the University too (free tuition!) but my goal is to get into translation. I have translated a novel from French to English, as well as some poems. An excerpt is now up on the web, http://www.drunkenboat.com/db8/index.html (click on "Oulipo" in the upper right corner, then on my name under "toward oulipo". They forgot to include my name under "translators," but whatever...).In August and September, I also work at the MN Renaissance Festival. I sell chocolate. My official title is "Chocolate Wench" :) and my persona is normally a pirate, but sometimes I change it up.I love coffee, dogs, Minneapolis, Star Trek (quiet, you!), Harry Potter, Indian food, chocolate, music, University library privileges and travel. I spent a semester in France (Montpellier) in college, and I've also been to Austria, Italy, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Russia.

My Interests

Language, translation, reading, travel, music, dogs


My taste in music can only be described as "eclectic." I like stuff from most genres-- even, yes, country occasionally. I like a lot of non-English stuff. My favorites at the moment are Zebda (French band highly influenced by North African/Middle Eastern sounds), Bob Schneider (good old fashioned American rock and roll from Austin, TX), Drunk and Disorderly (a local Irish rock band frm Ren Fest), Our Lady Peace, David Gray, the Streets, Pink Martini, Tarkan (Turkish pop), Seu Jorge (Brazilian), the De-Lovely soundtrack, Norah Jones, etc etc etc.....I also play the flute. Twice a year I participate in a community band that meets for about 6 rehearsals and then gives a concert. Other than that I don't play my flute as much as I'd like...


Lost in Translation, Amelie, Shakespeare in Love, Love Actually, Office Space, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Cold Mountain, Broken Hearts Club, Napolean Dynamite etc etc etc....


The Office, Star Trek re-runs, Battlestar Galactica, Gray's Anatomy


Catcher in the Rye, Arthurian legend (especially Mists of Avalon, the Mary Stewart books, The Idylls of the Queen by Phyllis Ann Karr, The Once and Future King), Harry Potter,


My parents and grandma

My Blog

Renaissance Festival 2007

Another year has gone by, and Ren Fest season is once again upon us! Here are the highlights so far:First weekend, August 18-19:I worked Saturday. It was cold and rainy, but very fun to be back out th...
Posted by "Bonny" Charlotte on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 07:53:00 PST

New Puppy!!

Rob and I adopted a puppy! He's 13 weeks old, a pointer mix, and very sweet! We named him Trip, short for Commander Charles Tucker III, after our favorite character from Star Trek: Enterprise. We're s...
Posted by "Bonny" Charlotte on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 07:25:00 PST

The Bridge

I'm sure you all have heard about the collapse of the 35W bridge. I just wanted to let everyone know me and my family, friends and coworkers are all okay.It was a bit scary because the bridge is very ...
Posted by "Bonny" Charlotte on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 02:11:00 PST


So I got my hair cut yesterday. Majorly. 10 inches. Almost 2 years' worth of growth. I don't feel like going into my reasons here, but I had them.I like the haircut. I think. The stylist took more off...
Posted by "Bonny" Charlotte on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 02:55:00 PST

Amsterdam, etc.

I haven't blogged in awhile and I'm super bored at work. Only ½ hour to go though!Anyway I thought I'd give the general public an update on my life. First big news is, I moved. Rob and I now live in N...
Posted by "Bonny" Charlotte on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 09:44:00 PST


All is well again. :)
Posted by "Bonny" Charlotte on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 11:30:00 PST

Pinches gatos

I have never liked cats. Ever since a friends mean, black cat took a chunk out of my calf, Ive had a bit of an aversion to, and, I admit it, a slight fear of them. Okay, Ive known a few individual cat...
Posted by "Bonny" Charlotte on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 11:42:00 PST

Millennials and Irate Helicopter Parents

Millennials and Irate Helicopter ParentsMillennials: Loosely defined as the generation of kids born between 1982 and 2000, they are todays college students. They're confident. They're team-oriented. T...
Posted by "Bonny" Charlotte on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 01:26:00 PST

Girls' Room Graffiti-- a poem

One attempt at an Oulipian form poem, a morale elementaire. (Check out the link if you want to see what the form SHOULD looke like.) Unfortunately I can't get the formatting to work on this browser, s...
Posted by "Bonny" Charlotte on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 09:05:00 PST

Le blog, dans le style de Georges Perec

Je me souviens que j'ai attrape la varicelle d'une copine a sa fete d'anniversaire quand j'avais 5 ans.Je me souviens de mon premier amour.Je me souviens des bruits que faisait mon chien.Je me souvien...
Posted by "Bonny" Charlotte on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 09:22:00 PST