"Temple of the Silver Star" is a complete System of Initiation, Healing and Spiritual Awakening in alignment with the Highest Divine Forces. These Teachings are based upon Ancient Knowledge of Universal Law, Sacred Geometry and Life itself, conveyed via the Sacred Alliance of Sirius B.
Spiral Healing:
When receiving a Silver Star Initiation, the channel of the initiate is opened up to the Flow of Divine Healing Energy that corresponds to the level received. Upon completing Initiation s/he also obtains a set of Light-Tools/Symbols that function as Portals for opening up for specific aspects of Divine Wholeness, allowing these Energies to manifest in the physical realm.The initiatory levels of Temple of the Silver Star/ Spiral-Healing are:
1. Earthchild - Foundation. Physical Earth Energy. Nurturing Earth Mother.
2. Moonchild - Receptivity. Mental/Emotional Energy. Dreams, Astral Vision.
3. Sunchild - Creativity. Soul-Light, Solar Force. The Enlightened Self.
4. Starchild - One-All. Diamond-White Light, Ultimate Truth. Divine Union.
5. Silver Star Initiator. Tool for the Highest Divine. All Keys obtained to initiate others.
As received from the Divine Goddess and Holy Father of One - All,
September 21-22, 2005:
I am The Word of One - All, or correctly spoken, An - Ang. My Voice rings out to pierce the veils and restore the Perfect Plan for Planet Earth. As Children of Earth, and Children of My own Seed, Life has Gifted you with the Sacred Trust of Free Will and Love. This is a great Responsibility, as it is a great Power. Every choice you make is vital at this time, as so little is required to tip the scales determining the future of Planet Earth. There is no need for fear, rather, the need lies in the Awakening of your Understanding, Compassion and Dedication to live your Truth.
Your Heart bears the Flame to Light your way. Your mind is the Sword to cut through illusion. Your body is the temple to harbour My Light, and your Soul bears the Faith, the Hope of this time. You have all the answers already within you. My Words are only here to remind you of what you have always known:
Listen to your Heart. Follow your Passions. Trust in your Self and remember to Play. Be what you are. Express what you feel. Listen for Truth and dare to make mistakes. Watch out for denial, distrust and blame. These will lead your Soul astray. Don't follow blindly what others say. Let your Heart show the Way.
Insignia. The Divine Goddess and Holy Father of An - Ang.