"Do you know the hottest girls in the world? Forget the Lindsay, the Paris and the Evas...Meet the BABUSHKAS !
THE BABUSHKAS are Lil'Oshka & Big'Oshka...Inspired by the East East Coast... behind the mountains, coming from the cold lands... THE BABUSHKAS are funny, funky, groovy and pretty. Designed by the french creative director Sophie Toporkoff, representing her inspiring duet she makes with Sophie Berbar-Sollier, THE BABUSHKAS was first the name of their company (publication-edition), it's now surely and shortly the new face of the french touch...
For sure, you will find THE DAFT PUNK BABUSHKA, THE BLINGBLING BABUSHKAS and more. Soon Stickers produced by DOMESTIC !
BABUSHKAS go * better * harder * faster * stronger *"
— Nana