Nature, Composing, Philosophy, Religion History, Psychology, Physics, Martial Arts, Movies, Theatre etc...
Ludwig van Beethoven, Richard Wagner, J.S. Bach, Wojciech Kilar, Howard Shore, Danny Elfman, John Williams, James Horner, Hans Zimmer, Ennio Morricone, Vangelis and many many more...on the other side a lot of electro stuff, industrial, rock 'n' roll, every kind of musical avantgarde and the old good heavy metal.
Bram Stoker's Dracula, Immortal Beloved, all Kubrick's works, La Dolce Vita, Non ci resta che piangere, Untouchables, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver and all De Niro's movies in general,The Ninth Gate, Alexander, The Lord of the Rings, Memento, Nosferatu, Metropolis, Quills, The Crow, Bruno, The Elephant man, Big Fish, The Corpse Bride, Frankenstein Junior, Matrix Trilogy, Underworld, Fight Club, The Usual Suspects, Amadeus and many more...
All the ancient Greeks, from philosophy to tragedy, Neo-platonism, Middle Age's philosophy, Renaissance, Giordano Bruno, Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, F. Nietzsche, A. Schopenhauer, M. Heidegger, C.G. Jung, J.R.R. Tolkien, U. Eco and so on...
No heroes!