I'm into gaming of all sorts. I also love to watch TV, movies, painting, books, etc. In other words, I'm a GIGANTIC nerd, lol
Just about anyone I can. Can never have too many friends!
Pretty much anything on the top 20 at any given time. However, I tend to shy away from country and rap of most sorts. In the way of oldies, I love hair metal and old school rock.
If it blows up at some point, I like it =P
Oh, and anime too, anime rocks!
Anything on Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, and Tech TV. I am a HUGE fan of Adult Swim!
Fantasy and Sci-fi are at the top of my list. I also tend to be into video game related books (big surprise there, lol). I'm currently reading the Gunslinger saga by Steven King and would HIGHLY recomend it to just about anyone.