Skateboarding, Being outside, Frank, Gus, and Harry (my dogs), Bombing hills, new wheels, red red wine, the sun, Laughing, teaching the kids, learning from the older heads, I love my girlfriend for the person she is, zip-zinging, tiny bouts of road rage, Chipolte, cell phones, I want an old (93) Izuzu pick-up truck, thanking God daily, Cincinnati, the mid-west in general, skating tranny and just cruising, chin hair (not really booski), PBR, wishing I had an i-pod, Going to the grocery store with Lindsay, the seasons, guessing my Christmas presents, camping and swimming, I Love Cincinnati.
Jesus, Pete Rose, Larry David, Sasha Baron Cohen, Boomer Esiason, Chevy Chase, Dave Chappelle, Gino Iannucci, Cardiel, Robin Hood, there are so many people I want to meet it's ridiculous.
Alot of different shit, but I like old shit like Johnny Cash he's the man, Classic rock, James Brown, Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, Cream, James Taylor, basically whatever I'm feeling. I love all kinds of music.
Vacation, beverly hills cop, Coming to America, Dumb&Dumber, Anchorman, The Borat movie, Half Baked, The Big Lebowski, I like a ton of shit, just nothing scary.
King of Queens, Family Guy, Seinfeld, Da Ali G show, Chappelle, Curb, The Soup, Rob&BiG ( were from OHIO we know and love Dyrdek) anything besides medical shows they make me think I have every diesease that they just talked about.
I just read a ton of skate magazines. My favorite is Thrasher, but I miss Big Brother, I can't sit still long enough to read.
GOD, Momz, Danny C., Granpa Racov, Grandma Rackov(RIP), Grandpa Barnaclo (RIP), My Cousin Mike, Tony B, Tim (RIP), Dave Chappelle, Gino,