Until recently worrying constantly, but now I'm attempting to focus more on the positives in my life and the world. And then of course biking, yoga, snowboarding, climbing, over-analyzing, reading, trying new cuisines, the obligatory drinking with friends, obsessing about the negative, napping in the afternoon, watching an obscene amount of TV, discovering new issues (medical: avian flu, political: war in general, astronomical: black holes, geological: super volcanos, and whatever the 24 hour news is focused on this week) to worry about and cross-stiching (don't laugh at me!) Hey, I said I was trying to stave off those bouts of anxiety. I'll get it right!
Even Stevphens!!!!!
Recently upbeat, feel good lyrical content, whatever genre and period it may be. (I guess it mirrors by current mood). But always faithful to classic rock (US or oversees) including but not limited to Zeppelin, The Stones, Sabbath, AC/DC, The Beatles, The Who, Rush (yeah, that's right), Skynyrd, Marshall Tucker, Allman Bros, Doobie Bros, etc...And it should go without saying, but for those of you who don't know me, FLOYD, everything Floyd. Nothing more needs to be said!
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Good Will Hunting, Reality Bites, As Good As It Gets, Almost Famous, High Fidelity, Garden State, A Life Less Ordinary, Amelie, When Harry Met Sally, Shawshank Redemption, Donnie Darko, Trainspotting, Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Big Lebowski, Office Space, Lord of the Rings, House of the Flying Daggers, Harry Potters, Emperor's New Groove, Monsters Inc...and the classics Ghostbusters, Caddyshack, Coming To America, Spinal Tap, The Holy Grail...OH YEAH, The Holy Trilogy! Recent find: Little Miss Sunshine, one of the most refreshing movies of the last two decades!!!!
Religiously watch Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert; Simpsons, Futurama, Arrested Development, Grey's Anatomy, Friends, Sex in the City, Six Feet Under, Rome, Entourage, anything on the History Channel about religion, anything on the Discovery channel about sex and/or gender, and As the World Turns (stop laughing). Currently can't get enough of The Office or Scrubs. Seriously, check out these two videos below!!!!!
Currently, "You: The Owner's Manual", sometimes an attempt at more existential readings depending on my level of concentration that week, but my all time favorite would probably be Celestine Prophecy or Superfudge:)
Those of you who can put a smile on my face. Thank you!