i write gibberish in composition books, draw stick figures with crayons, and take moving pictures with my mind's eye.
being creative without being pretentious. being silly without being an idiot. and being serious without being boring.
ordinary people who do extraordinary things.
i like to sing in my car. loudly. and poorly.
a few of my favs: Memories of Murder, City of God, Amelie, Run Lola Run, Leon, Trainspotting, Eternal Sunshine, Dark City, Amores Perros, Fight Club, Chasing Amy, Sympathy for Mr. and Lady Vengance, Oldboy, Everything is Illuminated, Matador, Any Tarantino Film, When Harry Met Sally, For A Few Dollars More, Seven Samurai, Unforgiven, The Limey, Snatch, American Beauty, High Fidelity, Swingers...
i have one so i can watch movies on dvd.
books... reedings is fundermentoll. i be eddumakated. werd.
my good friends.