My Beautiful Wife
Going to the rock show...
Drinking the beer at the rock show...
Smoking the Green at the rock show...
Drunken Insanityâ„¢ at the rock show!
Heavy fuckin' Metal!
My teams...
Directing, Shooting, and Editing
People mostly.... I find aliens to be rather rude... and "probe-y".As far as those I'd like to meet that I probably never will...
Kevin Smith
Robert Rodriguez
Dimebag Darrell R.I.P.
Bruce Campbell
Conan O' Brien
.ll. Dane Cook .ll.
Chuck Palahniuk
Will Ferrell/ Ron Burgandy
And of course, the legendary, the almighty...the D!
Here are some badass movies for your viewing pleasure
Family Guy, Late Night with Conan O'Brian, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, Southpark, Chappelle Show, The Simpsons, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Robot Chicken, Harvey Birdman, The Venture Brothers... Hell pretty much everything on Adult Swim! Headbangers Ball, House, 24, Prison Break, Baseball Tonight, and everything else is pretty much shit....
"CHOKE, Invisible Mosnters, Survivor" by Chuck Palahniuk, "Glammorama, American Psycho" by Brett Easton Ellis, "Dude Wheres My Country" by Michael Moore, "Live From New York" by Tom Shayles, "To Reign In Hell" by Steven Brust, anything by RA Salvatore, Raymond E Feist or Terry Brooks (yeah, Im a nerd).
Anyone who can work within the system and let thier vision shine in despite of that very same system...take the man down from within (insert more "fight the power" stuff here)!!