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Lacey Lynn

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi Everyone,Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a 17 month old chihuhua who has it pretty good where I live. My Mommy takes me for rides in the car and I get to play with all her friends that come over. I have lots of furbaby siblings - so here goes, Gizmo was an 18 year old persian,he was the best kitty ever. When my Mommy was little he used to go for rides with her in her Barbie car. Tammy is a 17 year old red-headed alley cat. She is huge and just lives to eat, Honey is a 13 year old bengal kitty. She has all the spots like a tiger but she isn't mean at all. Psycho Kitty's name is Peanut, she's the last of the cats , don't ask me why how someone that is so vicious can have such a cute little name but she does, I stay far far away from her. Ok, then comes my brother Toto, he is a 12 year old Yorkie. Toto is the yapper of the group, we call him Sarge for short because he's always barking at us. The new girl onboard is Marley Mika. She is l/2 chihuahua and l/2 Sheba Enu. My Grandma got her from a rescue group. All her brothers and sisters were run over by their human owners and were killed. Marley and her Mommy were saved. I guess that's a lucky thing. BOL. We get along most of the time. It's nice having someone to play with. But sometimes she is a pest and has to follow everything I do. Anyways I love all of my myspace friends and appreciate each and everyone of you. I am always happy to make new furbaby friends.PLEASE: I won't add any HUMANS unless I know you , so PLEASE DO NOT ASK!!!Also if I do not know you that well meaning I never hear from you, don't ask me to vote for you in a contest.

My Interests

I love to play with my toys when Marley doesn't steal them from me. I love to go for rides in the car especially to cousin Tasha and Heidi's house. I love to talk with all my myspace friends.

Play Trivia to Help Save Dogs. Feed shelter puppies and dogs by playing a trivia game. Help pet


Milo and Otis, Homeward Bound, Isn't that cat Sassy obnoxious. I love 101 Dalmations and All Dogs Go To Heaven

My Blog

Tag You Are It.

I've been tagged by my sweet furriend Kalikat Here are the rules. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their own...
Posted by Lacey Lynn on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 06:13:00 PST

Things we can learn from dogs!

.. Things We Can Learn from a Dog   Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy ride. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy. When loved ones come home,...
Posted by Lacey Lynn on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 06:54:00 PST