jes profile picture


done with school and my life is easy...

About Me

i just want to fastforward and be married and have a house....

My Interests

business, investing, world of warcraft

I'd like to meet:

i wanna meet my kids in the wonder if they'll be funny and faded like just their parents


knocked up, super bad, 300


PLANET EARTH!!!!!, blue planet, 20th century battlefields, anything paula dean, survivorman, man vs. wild, Dr. G. medical examiner, 48 hours, and i know im lame but the hills


anything on finances


anyone who will teach me how to get out of the rat race

My Blog


ok so let me tell you what lasik surgery is all about.....its all about doing the freakiest shit ever and being awake and watching it...really close......its like in the alien movies when they're expe...
Posted by jes on Sat, 24 Dec 2005 12:58:00 PST

whats really wrong....

you know whats really wrong.....ok so im at the gym last night....and this was the first time i ever saw a man doing the inner thigh workout thing.... you know the one where your legs are al...
Posted by jes on Fri, 21 Oct 2005 10:51:00 PST

wanna hear something funny?

ok so last night me and jason go back to his house to pick something up real quick.....i was chillin with zion....jason's nephew and jason was taking kinda i thought that he was in the bath...
Posted by jes on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 11:45:00 PST

trash...and twinkies

ok so yesterday i go outside to my car to follow chris to the gas station at like 1 in the morning cuz he's afriad that hes gonna run out of gas....and then there's this car thats creeping on by ...
Posted by jes on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 09:17:00 PST


ok so like i have this problem called going to sleep.....i slept 1 hour last night/actually morning which was from 11am-12pm.....and its been like that for the past couple of weeks..... &nbs...
Posted by jes on Fri, 07 Oct 2005 04:23:00 PST