Connie Marie ~ NY ~ profile picture

Connie Marie ~ NY ~

Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imagi

About Me

Only with mellow Are you thin enough to slide through. If the sun or the moon should give way to doubt, They would immediately go out. One swallow don't make a summer, But tomorrow has to start somewhere. ~~~ faithless ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~I teach english as a second language (ESL/EFL)to Europeans (primarily the French) and this is a link to one of my student's artwork. She travelled to Iceland and shot this footage and created these pieces in oil--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Here's what I do...LOL!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ Here are friends of mine that live in heaven on earth - they enjoy sharing this gorgeous place with everyone: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T his is a site to some great music by one of my terrific students (although they are all terrific!): ~~~login~~~cyril~~~pw~~~cyril~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are some great creations from another student: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If I were French - I cast my vote for socialist candidate Ségolène Royal - I think the world needs alot less testosterone and more heart. (Plus I wouldn't mind looking that great at 54!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I teach English as a Second Language and I'm a professional student of Anthropology, History, Indigenous Studies, and Comparative-Religious Studies. I live in Rome, New York - home of all the Jerry Springer participants aka the cultural vacuum of the world. I will leave as soon as the ex lets me off 'county arrest'....OR ends up in jail on his 3rd DWI (whichever comes first).~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Here are some interesting things I hear from some of my students in Europe:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~1. americans eat their words ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~2. I can't think of the word - it's right behind my eyes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 . (referring to the US and France) - people in the north sound like they are cold - people in the south have the sun in their voice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~4. I need to 'clean the dust' from my english ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 5. if I were the US president for one day - I would open the american people's eyes and make them see things more objectively ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 6. nothing will change in the US until the people there stop considering that they are the only country in the world ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 7. I had an american teacher before - she spoke much worse than you ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 8. I told one student that I live in close proximity to my children and he said "you have become Italian" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 9. the weather is sad (and I sometimes hear - the weather is happy)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~10. the 'left' in the US is more 'right' than the 'right' in France ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~11. when someone speaks poor french they say, "you speak french like a spanish cow." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 12. when someone is acting crazy they say, "they've been bitten by a wild monkey." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~13. If Sarkozy wins in France then they say they will have a George Bush 2 years later - if Ségolène wins they they will have a Hillary Clinton 1 year earlier. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 14. promises only engage people who hear them ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~15. everything only has one end - except a sausage has two~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ 16. One student had trouble with his ear - but couldn't express that he couldn't hear in english - so he said, "I have trouble with the quality of the sound I receive in my ear."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ 17. I explained the NY colloquialism, "get out of here". After explaining what it meant a student responded, "so it doesn't mean that you have to leave the premises?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 18. Today I heard, "I don't know how to say 'police' in english." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 19. I listed off some Italian food I like to a young man in Treviso and he asked, "are you fat"? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 20. from one of my German students: "Hans cannot learn what small Hans did not learn." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 21. When communist Germany existed - the US would occasionally drop food for residents of Berlin - they called those drops "raisin bombs." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 22. re: the stock market - in order to invest one student said, "you need money you don't need." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 23. one said, "my real job is not a funny." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 24. a guy who was going to the dentist told me, "I think it's time I sleep separately - me in the bed and my teeth in a jar next to the bed." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 25. Indian Summer in Germany is called Old Woman's Summer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~MySpace Layouts at

My Interests

Food! Love to grow it, shop for it, cook it and eat it! Love to try new foods - I like a lot of variety, spice and flavor.La nourriture est meilleure que......

I'd like to meet:

Likeminded individuals "We are one species. We are star stuff" - Carl Sagan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ "The wise find peace on hearing the truth, like a deep, clear, undisturbed lake." (Buddhist, Dhammapada - Sayings of the Buddha 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~"The struggle of the mind to keep itself free from every sort of bondage -- to remain curious, open, unsatiated in all its relations with nature -- is tenfold more difficult than the cultivation of a stable, satisfying point of view, but a thousandfold more precious."-- Gardner Murphy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ "Remain open. There is something bigger than you know going on here."-- Iyanla VanZant


Almost any - jazz and blues especially


Love the classics - Myrna Loy and William Powell, Cary Grant - watched "Woman of the Year" this weekend with Katherine Hepburn and spencer Tracey - also saw Lord of War with Nicholas Cage - really good movie. I also like foreign films - I just saw Un long dimanche de fiançailles with Jodi Foster - great movie.


PBS - Masterpiece Theater - History Detectives - old movies


Classic stuff - Jane Austen, Dickens - Bleak House, Brontë, John Galsworthy.


MY KIDS - they are the most well rounded, intellectual, level headed kids I know - they don't need pacifiers (like alcohol or drugs or cigarettes). They make responsible choices and I am the proudest mom in the world. My children are hard workers who don't shirk off responsibility. No one can make me laugh harder or cry proud mom tears like my kids. They would give the shirt off their back to anyone who needed it - they are the most loving, caring people I know. I'm proud that they are the next generation of patriots who will (and with their children) be the ones who change the world in a positive way. ~~~ ~~~
Getting to Know Me...
Name Momma
Nickname Mom
Birthdate Dec 26
Birthplace California
Hometown Vagabond - hoping to move to sunny florida soon - 80 degrees there today while we slush through snow in this dark, dreary, depressing, dead town
Eye Color & Hair Color green and blond
Height & Weight 5..'6.." - 129
Occupation / School education
Righty or Lefty left
Heritage euro-mix
Favorite Color green
Favorite Animal dogs
Favorite TV Show / Movie Seinfeld
Favorite Cartoon Bugs Bunny
Favorite Song Love Is All (Yanni)
Favorite Sport baseball
Favorite Actor / Actress Dame Judi Dench (hope she wins at the Oscars!)
Favorite Musician Sade
Favorite Athlete M J
Favorite Comedian Seinfeld
Favorite Food any
Favorite Drink seltzer and lemonaide
Favorite Number 7
Favorite School Subject History
Favorite Clothing anything lose and comfortable
Favorite Book that..'s tough - too many
Favorite Snack Food cake
Favorite Season Fall
Hobby crafting - sewing - quilting - knitting - working on snowflake afghans for my kids and a wedding quilt for my daughter.
Talent having eyes in the back of my head - ask my kids, they..'ll vouch for that
Age of first kiss 14 (well maybe 10 if I count that kiss in the barn by the boy up the road)
Age you got married 35 (biggest mistake I ever made - I was young and stupid)
Age you had your first kid 19
Have you ever been drunk I don..'t recall...
Will you get married been there, done that - never again - 9 years, 3 days and 18 hours of pure is too short for all that violence, hostility, ridicule, drunkeness, and condescension [you can't change them girls - never even consider it! It's terminal and they'll take you with them if you let them.]
Have you ever been in an accident yes
Fears falling and drunk husbands
Most important possession(s) my books and my crafting materials
Pet Peeve ignorance - bigotry - drunkeness - people who put their bad habits before their children's well-being
Number of Tattoos none yet
Number of Piercings two
Best quality my insight
Best physical trait have no clue
In the opposite sex...
Cute or Sexy sexy
Taller or Shorter taller
Lips or Eyes gotta a weakness for dark brown eyes - nice teeth and a sexy smile are a big turn on
Petite or Big either
Sweet or Caring caring
Easygoing or Serious easygoing ( a must!)
Sensitive or Loud sensitive
Thoughts on...
Abortion against - it's murder
Gay Marriage sure - if we have to suffer - why shouldn..'t they?
Gun Control in favor of gun control
God of course
Aliens why not
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Whats your middle name? Marie
How big is your bed? big
What are you listening to right now? my son chattering
What are the last 4 digits in your cellphone number? 3446
What was the last thing you ate? fried rice
Last person you hugged? my son
How is the weather right now? cold - snowy - dark - and dreary - typical New York day in a dead town
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Patricia in Düsseldorf
What is the first thing u notice in the opposite sex? smile
Favorite type of Food. any
Do you want children? have 5
Do you drink? no - I have children - parents teach by example
Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night? never
Hair color? blondish
Eye colour? green
Do you wear contacts/glasses? spectacles
Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving
Favorite Season? Fall
Have you ever cried over a girl/boy? yes - then my mother told me .."there isn..'t a boy on this planet worth your tears.."
Last Movie you Watched? Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House
What books are you reading? Peder Victorious
Piercings? 2
Favorite Movie? Life is Beautiful / Benigni
Favorite college football Team? Don..'t have one
What were you doing before filling this out? working
Any pets? yup
Dogs or cats? yup
Favorite Flower? rose
Have you ever loved someone? yes
Who would you like to see right now? my kids - all five
Have you ever fired a gun? never
Do you like to travel by plane? yes
Right-handed or Left-handed? left
If you could go to any place right now where would you go? Southern France
Are you missing someone? yes
Do you have a tattoo? no
Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? no
Are you hiding something from someone? no
ARE YOU 18? no
What is the wallpaper on your cell phone? a banner my daughter put that says .."Mom, I love you so much.."
Did you get enough sleep last night? nope
First thing you though about this morning? gotta get to work
WHAT DO YOU HAVE HANDY AT YOUR BEDSIDE? my cell phone - alarm clock
Grilled or fried? grilled
What makes you unique? my independence
Are you afrain of the dark? no
Favorite hangout? my couch with a cup of tea and my knitting
3 Things you can't live without? my kids (altho they aren..'t ..'things..')
Favorite song? Love is all (Yanni)
What are you afraid of? falling
Are you a giver or a taker? giver
What are your nicknames? Mom
What is your dad's middle name? Leroy
What's your mother's middle name? May
Stuck on a deserted island and can take one thing? my kids (the litter - thats one thing)
favorite commercial? the Avis one with the old putsy people in the trendy cars
Who's your cell phone provider? Cingular... I mean ATT ... or is it Cingular now... can..'t keep up
First thing you'll save in a fire? my family
Whats your favorite color? green
What are the things you always take with you? my kids
What did you want to be when you were a kid? a go go dancer and a teacher
What do you usually do when the clock turns 11:11? sleep or eat
The color of your bedsheet? white
What do you think about when you go to bed? my kids - I say a prayer for each one while I hold my 'mom necklace' with their stones
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