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this is your life..
are you who you want to be?
i believe in...influence, love and Jesus Christ
i love that smell u get wen u blow out a candle
i believe that jesus made me for someone else and made someone else for me..
i laugh at the most retarted things...im that person that sits behind u in the movies that u want to punch cos they wont shut up haha
i really miss my grandad
i believe that tomorrow will present challenges
i dont believe i will be over come by them.
i dont remember anything!
i believe that life was given to me for a purpose, to influence the world
i dont believe im here by chance.
summer heights high.. a work of art
salt and vinigar chips and curly wurlys
ill make u pretty
if im standing still.. poke me, its possible i may be dead
i complain wen my feet hurt
i always want to go to forster
i believe in Matt 7:7-8 "ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. for everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened"
im confusing..and easily confused
u wana fight me.. ill take u on
why do i need to know maths?
school was ok.. not goin is better!
i believe there will always be a more beautiful sunset.
i dont beleive i have seen it yet.
i sing without knowing
sucked in to who ever has to listen to it HA!
i believe a true friend holds on with both their hands.
i believe food gets better the more hungry you get.
and i believe the more your feet hurt, the more dancing you should do
i love jokes! tell me jokes!!!
i like fire works..
they remind me of summer
work = cooking / makeing pretty hair
i believe family is incredible.
i dont beleive they should be taken for granted
i am the worst speller
i believe i am Keira Mary Naylor, a daughter of christ,
i dont believe im perfect...
there are some pretty awesome ppl that bring me joy...
*Sam.. my bestie,
*brad, one of the most generouse people in the world, what an amazing person to know
Kenny, alex, alison, helen, lara, dylan N.. wat can i say.., dylan B, stef, frankie, jamo, shoph T, soph H, brookie, ali, ashley, giorgie, keegan, anthony, shylos alright i guess.. ha and my sis aly (fat seal / machine) n my bro scott!!
my life is just right..
"my past is redeemed,
my present makes sense,
and my future is secure.
my road is narrow,
my guide reliable,
my mission clear..."
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My Interests

i love to simle..even though somtimes its hard. i love my boy brad..because he makes it so easy to smile. i love sam.. she is awesome!! i love the BEACH! i love MUSIC! i love my family and all my friends but most of all i love my saviour Jesus!!!



I LovE YoU!!!!
Create your comment box ^^^bOx^^^i love anberlin, beth robbo, antiskeptic, hillsong, planet shakers, underoath, jack johnson, bodyrox, takeing back sunday, switchfoot, christina aguilera, brooke fraser, from first to last, jimmy eat world, john mayer, pete murry, relient K, rhianna, story of the year, rhianna, plain white t's, second hand serenade, fergie, Paramore, Akon, the spill canvas, the untold story, all american rejects, teddy geiger and pretty much anything you can dance to!


the BIBLE!!! like the best book eva! oh and shirley barber books!! they are so good!! but any other book is crap! haha

