My biggest interest is to try new things. I enjoy the ocean, the mountains, and the dessert, so it should come as no surprise that I live in California. I try to enhance my creative side by doing craft projects. I have done ceramics, wood burning, and card/gift making. I'm guilty of enjoying concerts, plays, and movies. To satisfy the physical side of my active life, I hike, camp, and workout. I'm always looking for new places to hike. My favorite new place right now is a hidden community, where you can see donkeys, wild sheep and goats, coyotes, and mountain lion tracks along the way.
I would like to get in touch with old friends, meet new friends, and talk to friendly people in general. I want to meet people from all walks of life. I think it is awesome to get others' perspectives. Life would be so boring if we were all the same.
I am very eclectic. The only kind of music I do not like is house and heavy, heavy metal. I think it would be safe to conclude that I am one of few that still owns tapes. I am sick and tired of local radio stations. These stations play the same songs repeatitively until you begin to forget why you liked them in the first place. Unfortunately, I have no choice but to listen to these stations because the CD player in my car is broken.
I have never met an Adam Sandler or Drew Barrymore movie that I have not enjoyed. I like comedy, drama, action, and horror. Scary movies are awesome and I tend to have trouble dating those who do not like them. I have an extensive collection of DVDs and VHS tapes. I'd like to think of myself as a MOVIE QUEEN! Sadly, school has caused me to sacrifice my love for movies. The first thing I do at the end of each semester is catch up on all the movies I have missed.
Who needs TV, when life is so entertaining? Grey's Anatomy would be the show that I look forward to every week. I went through a phase when I was addicted to Law & Order: CI and SVU. My political science class has turned me on to the Daily Show. Justin has helped broaden my viewing choices as well, by getting me hooked on the Colbert Report. Let's just say, if it wasn't for recorded television my tv would collect cobwebs.
I read a lot, but often do not pay attention to the authors. I have a bad habit of that...I do the same thing with the music I listen to. The novels I read are about murder, mystery, and science fiction. I have even been known to read a self-help book or two.
Fictional or Real life? At this point in my life, I have yet to meet anyone worthy of that title. I'm currently taking applications, but you must provide your own costume. Remember, spandex is not's been done before.