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My Interests

music,books,havin' fun,racing and F1

I'd like to meet:

bon jovi,sebastian bach,christian slater and richard grieco


Bon jovi,iron maiden,inflames,lenny kravitz,kiss,alice cooper,within temptation,evanescence,slayer,def leppard,U2,simple minds,daniel powter,james blunt,kate Bush,janis joplin,avril lavigne,pink,europe,skid row,lacuna coil,moonspell,motley crue, judas priest,Epica,nightwish,megadeth,whitesnake,saxon,the doors,confusion,tyketto,kane,keane,coldplay,red hot chili peppers,uncle kracker,Dream theater,poison,mama's boys,cinderella,zornik,peter evrard,ozark henry,3 doors down,queen,ozzy osbourne,queensryche,alice in chains,van halen,aerosmith,manowar,gary jules,After forever,Ayreon,trail of tears,sirenia,the rasmus,Ambeon,sentenced,the gathering,Therion,tristania,Nailpin,.....................BON JOVI :( YOU WANT TO) MAKE A MEMORYH.I.M:JOY AND SORROW..""


dracula,the exorcist,top gun,cocktail,white noise,red rose,intervieuw with the vampire,los muertos,the 6th sence,Van helsing,witchkraft,the blair witch project,I robot,Days of thunder,scooby Doo,the glass house,saw I&II,phantom of the opera,driven,the client,it,paying forward,trainspotting,ghost,the crow I&II,hitch,....


the O.C,24,House MD,C.S.I,the L-word,


everything of John Grisham and Patricia Cornwell


my daddy!!!!!
Buried at
Buried at

You are The Moon

Hope, expectation, Bright promises.

The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.

The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

My Blog

what Mythological creature am i?">> You scored as Angel. Angel:  Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hop...
Posted by Becky on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 10:38:00 PST

what kind of a witch am i">> You scored as Summer Fae. Summer FaeSummer Fae92%Hekate90%Gypsy Rose81%Vampriess81%Night Queen79%Arachne75%Spring Fae73%Lady of the Lake71%Autumn ...
Posted by Becky on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 01:07:00 PST

seven circles

>        Do you wanna know what the future will be like?                   ...
Posted by Becky on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 12:23:00 PST