fighting crime, staplers, purple stuff, ironic pop culture phenomona, your dad between my legs.
more deck people to hang out at hole-in-the wall dives, sunny parks, dark alleyways, dorm rooms, etc. people who like to share theirs pens, food, drugs and booze, as well those who can make good conversation and entertain with class. definitely more celebrities, and a good agent. gots to get my foot in the door before i turn 20 and am too old to tap into the tween market. and i do mean "tap" in the most dirtiest of ways. just kidding!!!or am i....?
makes you lose control. pretty much everything. except country, weird christian, and emo/hardcore/scene whatever the fuck it's called, and the goth-rock-punk that spawned it favourite band: pseudo swayed-oh, who i jam with from time to time. check out their space.
snuff, kung-fu, stapler porn (don't ask), buddy cop movies, anything with alfred molina - which is every movie.
when i do watch, it's late night reruns of law and order, underground series with crazy premises, and of course, softcore latin porn .
lots of plays and poetry, the classics, the occasional current bestseller. cookbooks, sci-fi, pulp and most children's books good. chick lit, teen lit and fantasy BAD.
milton, prince, all theatrical and dramatic and ridiculous people (who know it), my mom, your dad.