WARNING: this is a VERY old school space, take it or leave it!!! For being a responsible father I'm not supposed to hang on the streets too much these days, so the net comes just as well. Anyway thanx to the bands/artists/activists with guts, heart and determination who made my life exciting, thanx to my mates for what they've been and still are, thanx to England for some of the best years in my life, and most of all thanx to my wife & kids for supporting and bearing the "young & wrong" cunt that I still am. We'll probably never win, but I had a hell of a good time trying to !!! "Life had been given to grab & enjoy, so let's all grab & let's all enjoy!!" CHEERS!! Denis.WARNING 2: if you happen to not even bother answering my messages, I'll consider that you've got fuck all to do in my so called "friendlist", that is said...WARNING 3: I hate people, that's why I'm on here I suppose...WARNING 4: west London, east london, I don't really give a toss, I'm only a froggie in love with the place........................WHERE TO GET ME A PINT:VID OF THE WEEK