Marion profile picture



About Me

I'm Marion, Most of friends have some sort of nickname for me but I won't go into all of that. However they all truly love me even when I turn scary with drink on me (It that right Mare). Anyhow, I'm training as a teacher at the moment. I like to go out with friends and have a blast. However nature is cruel and I'm, getting old but that doesn't stop me nicking 'For Sale' signs and baricading roads at 3am in the morning.

My Interests

Love dancing (Irish Dancing) always done IT and will die doing it! Liverpool 'Stevie G' and GAA.

I'd like to meet:

Myspace For Girls Only -


I like anything really and my ears are open to anything. Kooks, Damien Rice, Snow Patrol, Killers, Nizlopi, Muse in my cd collection at the moment. 60's, 70's and 80's, Love a bit of disco classics and who can forget the slow songs, I can belt a bit of Celine out at times! Went to see Dolly Parton in concert I am now a devoted Fan.


All time fav's The notebook I want to be like the couple in it. Dirty Dancing, I'd love a dance partner like that! The Goonies, Never say die. Ned kelly, A walk to remember, Pursuit of Happyness and loads more.


Love the OC but looks like it could be heading out soon! Ugly betty, I do hope she will get a make-over. Home and away, I love it! ER, Desperate Housewives, Hollyoakes and loads more, Love TV


When I was little I always said "I don't do reading" but as travellers know there is not much you can do but read. Fav Author's Dan Brown and Cecelia Ahern.


Annie Omals, she is one hell of a brave girl. and staying on the omals thing Mary "Cos she's just Mary O"