Ethylic Overkill profile picture

Ethylic Overkill

Fukk you, fukking fukker.

About Me

A true despicable wanker.

My Interests

Puking around your flat. My two farting cats, Destruktör Von Miaou & Tchernobyl Von Miaou.

I'd like to meet:

Let the little children come to me.


Krieg, Black Witchery, Archgoat, Beherit, Zyklon-B, Von, Demoncy, Profanatica, Conqueror / Revenge, Hate Forest, Antaeus, Goat Semen, Merciless Crucifixion, Blasphemy, Necros Christos, Krisiun, Sarcofago, Arkhon Infaustus, Manticore, Teitanblood, Deiphago, Impiety, Proclamation, Morbosidad, Capra Hircus, Sodom, Imperial Sodomy, Abhorer, Toxic Holocaust (Godz !), Embalmed, Blasphemophagher, The Satan's Scourge, Incantation, Motörhead, Naked Whipper, Havohej, Order From Chaos, Domini Inferi, Black Crucifixion, Necroholocaust, Sacramentary Abolishment / Axis of Advance, Sextrash, Hell Militia, Levifer, Angel Corpse, Necroslaughter...Australia über alles : Abominator, Abyssic Hate, Atomizer, Bestial Warlust, Corpse Molestation, Crucifire, Darklord, Denouncement Pyre, Deströyer 666, Destruktor, Entasis, Gospel of the Horns, Grenade, Martire, Nazxul, Nocturnal Graves, Razor of Occam, Sadistik Exekution, Slaughter Lord, Spear of Longinus, Trench Hell, Vomitor,...


Seul contre tous, Fargo, Orange Mécanique, C'est arrivé près de chez vous, Las Vegas Parano,...




Currently : "How to cook humans" & "Ass Rape for dummies".


Me. Lemmy or Satan are too gentle.