Rafterman profile picture


Bent, but not broken

About Me

Well, what can I say. My daughter has me wrapped around her finger. I'm a dad, first and foremost. And everything that goes with that. I'm a good cook and a great eater. Get up at 5:00 AM. Stay in shape. Am extremely good with my hands. Get lost in sunrises. Have more interests than is probably healthy, certainly more than is easily manageable. My life is blessed. I couldn't care less about status or how much cash you pull down. I respond to style, passion, and my own idea of beauty. I keep myself in the company of those who possess the qualities that I strive for in myself: compassion, integrity, truth. I've been around the block. Several times. Usually comfortable in my own skin. And there are things that I would do over again differently if given the chance. But, all in all, things are pretty rad in my world. Spend my time with my daughter, my dog, my friends, and myself. I was taught to leave things better than I found them. A tall order much of the time, but I've come to find that when I try to do just that, it's much easier to look in the mirror in the morning. And I wish I had a dollar for everytime I heard someone say, "I would have never expected that from you."
You are Green Lantern Green Lantern 90% Hulk 85% Spider-Man 75% Iron Man 75% The Flash 75% Catwoman 70% Wonder Woman 60% Robin 55% Superman 55% Supergirl 45% Batman 30% Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...
Name: Ron
Birthday: 22JUL66
Birthplace: Roswell, New Mexico
Current Location: Reclined, feet up, munchin' BBQ'd Lays, watching Full Metal Jacket
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6'1"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Righty
Your Heritage: A melting pot of white people
The Shoes You Wore Today: Tony Lama's
Your Weakness: The curve of a woman's back as it melts into her hips
Your Fears: Never again touching my previous response.....Oh, and fucking heights
Your Perfect Pizza: Sausage and black olives
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Meet the one everyone keeps telling me doesn't exist...oh wait, I guess I can scratch that one off the list. AT rocks.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: So, uh, can you show me that thing with the ping-pong balls and the Scrabble pieces one more time. I'm almost there.
Thoughts First Waking Up: Time to pull the goalie
Your Best Physical Feature: Butt
Your Bedtime: Is better when AT's there
Your Most Missed Memory: Fishing with my brother
Pepsi or Coke: IBC root beer
McDonalds or Burger King: Baja Fresh
Single or Group Dates: Depends on the afterparty
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Green tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both, with crushed up Reeses peanutbutter cups and whipped cream
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee......black
Do you Smoke: Every once in a while
Do you Swear: Blow me, douchebag
Do you Sing: I can hold my own
Do you Shower Daily: After pulling the goalie
Have you Been in Love: I thought so
Do you want to go to College: Ten years was enough
Do you want to get Married: Love to
Do you belive in yourself: Damn straight
Do you get Motion Sickness: Wickedly
Do you think you are Attractive: I'm comfortable with myself
Are you a Health Freak: Bacon, coffee, cigarettes
Do you get along with your Parents: Uh huh
Do you like Thunderstorms: They're one of the things I miss the most about living in the midwest
Do you play an Instrument: Played saxophone for fifteen years
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Not a drop
In the past month have you Smoked: More than I should
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Does Claritin count
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yes sir
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Is "The Grove" a mall?
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Double Stuff....uh huh
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Alot
In the past month have you been on Stage: Only when showering
In the past month have you been Dumped: Thankfully, no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Have you seen the fucking water in LA? There's no way I'm lettin' my ding-ding hang free in that
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: A couple glances
Ever been Drunk: Used up all my drink tokens
Ever been called a Tease: A few times playing "just the tip to see what it feels like"
Ever been Beaten up: Yeah, back before all my drink tokens were used up
Ever Shoplifted: I wasn't always the angel I am now
How do you want to Die: Having the kind of orgasm where you lose all your faculties and scream like a two-year-old having a temper tantrum
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Myself
What country would you most like to Visit: Spain....again
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Dark
Favourite Hair Color: Dark
Short or Long Hair: Long and curly
Height: Shorter than me
Weight: Muscle's heavy
Best Clothing Style: Sundresses are like gas on an open flame for me
Number of Drugs I have taken: More than most
Number of CDs I own: Not as many as my albums
Number of Piercings: Zippo, nada, nil
Number of Tattoos: Two, and multiplying
Number of things in my Past I Regret: A few

Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

My Interests

My daughter, bench seats in pick-up trucks, real body parts, single moms, great legs, sun dresses, good ink, facing fears, leaving unsaid the wrong thing at a tempting moment...
You Were Born Under:
You've got a ton of energy - and need plenty of room to roam.
You tend to follow your whims, and it's hard for you to stick to one thing.
Specific jobs, loves, and friends are always changing and never a part of your life for long.
Very intuitive, you tend to know what people are thinking before they say a word.

You are most compatible with a Dog or Tiger. What Year Were You Born Under?
Different, original, cool, new "About Me":

Basic Info
Name: Rondiggity
Age: Four decades
Race: Multiple shades of white
Sexual Preference: Frequent
Relationship Status: Ready, willing, and able
Religion: Only in foxholes
Birthday: Keeps coming around faster and faster
Shoe Size: Eleven
Hair Color: In transition to salt and pepper....well maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but it ain't all brown anymore, I can tell ya that
Eye color: Steady and holding a solid blue
State you currently live in: Flux
Color: Brown
Type of Vegetable: Grilled corn on the cob dripping in butter and salt
Song: Same Old Song - Kris Kristofferson
TV Channel: Shut my Dish off almost three years ago. No TV.
Radio Station: Whatever one's playing Merle Haggard
Animal: Appaloosa
Day of the Week: Any day I can sleep in and then go garage saling
Shoes you own: Tony Lamas
Cell Phone/ Playstation/ X-Box Game: Got no games :(
Holiday: Thanksgiving
Album/CD you own: Spooky Lady's Sideshow - Kris Kristofferson
Least Favorites!
Food: Liver (or any organ meat for that matter), okra, turnips, parsnips, rutabaga...blahhhhhhhh
Animal: Pomeranians
Color: Teal
Drink: Humility
Song: Who knows
Name: Eunice
Class in school: Any one that involved turning in a paper
Person in the world: Whoever decided Ben Affleck should be get paid for what he does
Genre of music: That Peruvian panflute crap that seems to be so politically correct and popular at every streetfair and farmer's market in town
Dance move: That would require me knowing the name of A dance move
Sound in the world: "You've been served"
Smell: A dry socket after having your wisdom teeth pulled.....pure death
Do you prefer This or that:
Ice Cream or Sorbet? Klondike bars
Soda or Juice? Carrot-apple right out of the juicer.....right good shit
Car or Truck? Pick-up trucks
Cell or home Phone? If I got reception at home, I wouldn't have a home phone
School or work? Getting paid is nice
Old Navy or Gap? Garage sales
Walk or Run? Both beat sitting on my ass
Trees or flowers? Depends on the occasion
Dance or sing? They can't be separated
Club or bar? Wherever the steel guitar is playing
Friends or Family? They're mostly interchangeable
Cookies or Brownies? Peach pie with homemade whipped cream
Hangover or Flu? No hangovers in fifteen years and I get flu shots every November
Tattoos or Piercings? Whatever cocks your pistol
Text or Talk? Picture mail ;)
Cigarettes or Alcohol? I used all my drink tokens and the patches keep pulling the skin off my lips
About your relationship(s) or lack there of....
Who are you in a relationship with? The girl everyone kept telling me didn't exist. But I knew she did. Thank God I waited for her.
If no one, why not? You tell me
Who was the last person you kissed without any feelings for them? I don't kiss if I don't feel like it
Where was your last date? Define date
When was the last time you had sex, or do you still have your V-stamp? Define sex
What was your biggest relationship mess-up so far? Maybe when we know each other a little better
Do you regret any relationships (long term, short term, one nights, etc.) that you have had? Poor choices have been made. Let's put it that way
Do you find yourself happier in a relationship or solo? Rather have a companion
When dating, who gets priority? Friends, Family or Significant Other? My daughter
Are you good at relationships? Apparently not
Are you afraid of commitment? Have you been readin' my mail?
Do you like to date around and explore or stick to one person? I'll keep throwing my shorts against the wall until they stick
About your job....
Do you work? Daily
If so, where? Half-time hospital / half-time private clinic
For how long have you worked there? Since the day I started
What exactly do you do? Orthopedic clinical specialist in physical therapy
How much do you make? More than most, not as much as some
Is it your dream job? It's good for now
If no, what is your dream job? Mechanic and a country singer
About School
Are you in school? Thank the good Lord, not any more
Where? Are you not listening?
When did you/will you graduate? From which phase of the process?
What was/is your favorite subject? Neuroscience
Who were/are your friends? They know who they are
Did you ever skip a class? In graduate school? No.
Why or why not? I was finally taking things a little more seriously
What is your major? Passing
Have you ever gone to class drunk? More than too many times. Evidence of a mispent youth
Have you ever gone to class high? Had to read the part of Hamlet in ninth grade English class high as fuck. I think I had an out-of-body experience
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? In kindergarten, hell yes. Miss Tyler. Smooooookin'
What do you miss most about elementary school? Recess
What is your best school related memory? Finishing
Did you/do you play any sports? Hockey, soccer
Were/are you in any clubs or other extracurriculars? Sang, danced, played my saxophone
Your dirty little past.....
Tell a secret: I don't have any more secrets. They tend to keep me sick if I keep them to myself
Hardest drug you have ever done? Love
When did you lose your virginity? That's a cloudy issue. We'll leave it at that
What did you drink the first time you got drunk? Brandy Manhattan
Have you ever lied to a friend? Yes, I've been quite an asshole in my time
Have you ever cheated on a test? Are you from Records and Admissions?
Did you ever fail a class? No, just got booted out of school before they could fail me
Have you ever intentionally hurt someone (feelings or physical)? Refer to a few questions back
Does anyone know everything there is to know about you? Hundreds of people do
About your family!
Are your parents still together? They're still together with my stepparents
Do you have siblings? Big extended family on both sides
If so, how many? Ages? Names?
Is your family close? In a galaxy far, far away
Who is that one person in your family that you just cannot stand? Can't think of anybody that fits that description
About your future?
What will you major in? I'm too old for this I think
What college do you wish to go to? Ditto
Do you want to get married? Love to
Do you want children? No more unless I'm married. I'm not going through that again single
How many? A houseful
Where will you live? With them
What kind of car do you want? One with four hundred horsepower and gets a hundred miles to the gallon
About your friends!
Do have lots of friends or just a close few? The more the merrier
Do you talk to and see your friends frequently? (Myspace and Facebook do not count) Make as much time as I can
How often do you talk to them? Did I stutter?
Who would you say your closest five friends are? Johnny Long Beach, Gozar, T-bone, Yardstomper, and someone else
Are you still friends with the people you knew in middle school or high school? Johnny Long Beach, hell yeah
Would you do anything for your friends? Everything has it's limits and "anything" is a lot to swallow
Okay. Phew. The End....
Was this a good, original "About Me"? What?
Would you recommend it to your friends? Not a chance
Who do you think will re-post this? Not a soul
Who do you think will read this? Every motherfucker that clicks on my page
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I'd like to meet:

I met her. Everything else is just an illusion.


Johnny Horton, Hank III, Seldom Scene,Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson, Waylon Payne, John Prine, Country Gentlemen, Loretta Lynn, Wayne Hancock, Merle Haggard, Jerry Jeff Walker, old K.D. Lang, old Steve Earle, Stanley Brothers, Coltrane, Jim Reeves, Dean Martin, Manhattans, Pablo Cruise, Wynonie Harris, Sweet Honey and the Rock.....on and on


Yo no tengo.


Taber's Medical Dictionary, Sermon On the Mount by Emmet Fox, Neuroscience Made Ridiculously Simple, Idiots Guide To Dog Training, anything Tom Clancy, Harry Fucking Potter


People whose actions line up with their intentions.

My Blog

Living in the solution

The fruit of silence is prayer.The fruit of prayer is faith.The fruit of faith is love.The fruit of love is service.The fruit of service is peace.Teresa of CalcuttaWhere there is charity and wisdom, t...
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MySpace OG Knowledge Bomb

So I was just sitting here when I realized that that there are now 114,417,231 profiles on this damn thing. When I got here there was around 800,000. Guess that makes me a MySpace OG. I came around ba...
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