Cream... i always taste smooth profile picture

Cream... i always taste smooth

J-G-F for life bitches, if you don't know you better ask somebody!!!

About Me

I live in a small town in ohio. I'm a full time student and i work full time. I rep for J G F (Jackson, Grant, and Franklin) " you need that JGF, to get this pussy wet." I try to stay laid back and out of the way and just do what i got to do to make in this world. Hopefully i make it to law school one day... and then i will have all the J-G-F I need!!!Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts
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My Interests

I love to dance. Music is my life, plus i love to talk.

I'd like to meet:

T.I., DMX, and my father's mother!


I'm open-minded to everything. But my preference is R&B, rap, and some pop.


Belly is my all time fav movie DMX is so sexy in that towel!!!!!!!!!
Myspace Layouts


BET so i can dance;)


The Glory Field, 1984, Of Mice and Men, and the Odyssey


My maturnal grandfather, he is the strongest most respected man in my community. I want to have that level of respect and honor.

My Blog

Boyfriend Application

If you're a girl, title this "boyfriend application" and if you're a guy title it "girlfriend application". Repost this and see who's eligible to be your special someone. Have fun!Send it back if you ...
Posted by Cream... i always taste smooth on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:40:00 PST