Sustainable development, self-sufficiancy, learning, and relearning and unlearning, photography, the environment, psychology
More like minded individuals. People to whom their environment matters. People who are "in it for the money" STAY AWAY!! I have struggled with and without it, my goal in the rest of this life is to try not to WANT so very many trivial things , to be content with the gifts I have, and to cut off all "need" for consummerism in my life. I know you all are out there, I have bumped into you here and there. It's time folks to bringon that critical mass from which we can all move on in positive directions, none of which involve driving an SUV.
Almost anything and everything. Hawksley Workman, if you haven't heard him you simply must, he is a prophet. Willie Nelson, Tragically Hip, the decmeberists, bob marley, jack johnson, Komeda, the gorillas, beck, sarah vaughn and on and on and on....
Just saw The Proposition, the lighting was spectacular. Anything by Tim Burton, and anything Johnny Depp has ever done, again this list could go on for days. Generally I like stuff that makes me think, that is visually pleasing, but i'd never pass up and adam sandler flick either
Discovery Channel junkie, and "What not to Wear"(I confess), why is it that I have not been signed up for this show yet people, I've seen the snapshots of myself folks come-on!.
At the moment, all Non-fiction all according to my field of study there is no time for anything else. I started Cammilla Gibb's A Sweetness In the Belly during the summer but alas never finished, she is a beautiful writer (Canadian).
Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring. Anyone unafraid to admit that we are all a little crazy in our own way, and who does not judge a truly remarkable feat in the society of present day western culture.