I'd like to meet:
People who are movie freaks. Send me your requests for what films you'd like sounds pulled from and I'll see what I can do. Movie quotes, movie sounds, sound clips from movies...they're all the same thing, go listen to some.
Adaptation , American
Beauty ,
Anchorman , Bad
Santa , Black
Hawk Down , Bottle
Rocket , Charlie
& the Chocolate Factory , Elf , Eurotrip , Excalibur , Ghost
World , The
Good Girl , The
Graduate , Hannibal , Igby
Goes Down , Kill
Bill , Made , Memento ,
Monsters Inc. , Napoleon
Dynamite , Old
School , Punch
Drunk Love , Real
Genius ,
Red Dragon , The
Royal Tenenbaums , The
Squid and the Whale , Team
America: World Police, Training
Day , 24 Hour
Party People , and more!