You dont know me.
You dont wear my chains.
Quote of the moment: "At least I'm not a lair. At least I'm not a cheat. At least I don't care what these goddamn mindless people think of me".
My name is Katie, or Katie B.
You'll never guess my middle name.
Or my full first name, for that matter.
What goes around comes around. It always has & always will.
I already have my best friends that have created my backbone.
I like drinking, singing, eating, smoking, texting,
driving, making fun of people, fishing, video games, doing beer bongs
& a whole bunch of other shit.
According to Michael Turnaz,
"You just do whatever you want
& you don't care what anyone has to say about you".
& a little bit more that I refuse to put on the internet.
I expect the least from everybody
& try to give my best to everyone.
& I love Jagermeister. The end.