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Exorcising Stupidity, One Student at a Time.

About Me

About me, eh? Well, I'm a PhD student and mercenary professor for hire. Aside from trying to liberate Constantinople, I walk up in front of a podium and yack for about an hour or so. Students seem to take notes when I talk. At certain points during the semester I throw quizzes and other assorted brain-teasers at them. I grade them while enjoying a Jaegermeister or three. Somewhere in the middle of all of this is a paycheck that gets lost between gas, food, and the occasional video game or Amazon splurge. There are days when I'm convinced sweat shop workers have it better, and then there are times when I do something that makes me proud to be doing what I'm doing and working with the people I've worked with. I've been in the self-gratifying academic business since 1999 and don't plan on leaving anytime soon.I consider myself a militant centrist. I absolutely hate political ideologues. In that spirit, people who use their self-inflated positions of power to project their stupidity, ignorance, and exploitation on others need to be summarily hunted down and executed by the State.Oh yeah and one more thing: how in all Hell is Christian Orthodoxy labeled as "Christian - Other" on this site, when Scientology gets its own stupid category? There are 300 million of us on this planet folks! We had powerful kingdoms in the Mediterranean when Western Europe was still running around in fur skins! And I note the heavy lobbying Mormons have on this site for having their own belief listed separate from Protestantism. WTF????More to come!

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.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .. ..TR Modern Cool Nerd
100 % Nerd, 75% Geek, 47% Dork For The Record:
A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.
You scored better than half in Nerd and Geek, earning you the title of: Modern, Cool Nerd.
Nerds didn't use to be cool, but in the 90's that all changed. It used to be that, if you were a computer expert, you had to wear plaid or a pocket protector or suspenders or something that announced to the world that you couldn't quite fit in. Not anymore. Now, the intelligent and geeky have eked out for themselves a modicum of respect at the very least, and "geek is chic." The Modern, Cool Nerd is intelligent, knowledgable and always the person to call in a crisis (needing computer advice/an arcane bit of trivia knowledge). They are the one you want as your lifeline in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (or the one up there, winning the million bucks)!.. .. codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/ flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="512" height="464" ..
Quality Flash game of Myspace GamesYou Are 99% New Jersey!

Wow, you're totally Jersey. There's no doubt about it. Congratulations, and always be proud to be Jersey--it's a great thing to be!
How New Jersey Are You?

My Interests

Politicking, Historicizing, Theorizing, Driving insanely fast, Travelling (Greece, Turkey, Serbia, Romania, Italy, Austria, Slovenia), BBQing, Keeping arcane traditions alive, Exorcising Stupidity, Teaching, Meditating, Contemplating, Hosting insanely large parties!

I'd like to meet:

Who I want to meet? Hmmm.....always an interesting part of the ready-to-eat profiles. Well, I still stand by the rule of no drama and/or psychotic - well at least not over the top. But I guess I usually gravitate towards those people who are on the slightly nerdy intellectual side. No, no, not the Dungeons and Dragons type who never get out of their parent's basement and consider painting pewter valkyrie miniatures a form of hanging out with girls, and not the coffee-house conspiracy nuts who try to blame everything from Hurricane Katrina to 9/11 to Attila the Hun to the Fall of the Roman Empire on George W. Bush. People who actually use their intelligence and worldly experience to do some good in this world. And of course it never hurts if said person is also an afficionado in old-school video games (I'm talking about stuff that predates the NES, like before your parents were even dating), campy sci-fi flicks, and knows a few useless trivia facts to lighten up a conversation.More Games at arcadecabin.com | Cool Generators


J.S. Bach, G. Handel, Richard Wagner, Domenico Scarlatti, The Chieftains, Led Zeppelin, John Williams, Astral Projection, Steve Roach, Hariprasad Chaurasia, Enya, Zakir Hussein, Altan, Clannad, Frank Sinatra, Shiv Kumar Sharma, Mike Oldfield, Lords of Acid, Juno Reactor, E Nomine, Laibach, Howard Shore, Billy Preston, Klaus Wunderlich, Myron Floren, Hans Zimmer, Lycourgos Angelopoulos, if there's a Hammond B3 somewhere in the song, and the list goes on....... width="425" height="350" ..


Star Wars, Godfather, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings, Amadeus, Blues Brothers, Office Space, Enter the Dragon, Alien(s), Rat Race, Time Bandits, Big Trouble in Little China, Spaceballs, Monty Python and the Holy Grail and other British-related cavalcades of whimsy, Braveheart, Gladiator, Dark Star, The Quiet Man, The Big Lebowski, THX-1138, Superman I and II, Alice in Wonderland (what a trippy flick), 2001 A Space Odyssey (but it's not as enjoyable if you're sober), Miracle on 34th Street (both for its metaphysical and socio-political messages), A Christmas Story, Terminator, The Princess Bride, Team America (Fuck Yeah), Death Race 2000 (Sly Stallone's first non-porn movie), and that campy 1980s Flash Gordon that was always on Channel 11 on a Saturday afternoon.


The Joy of Painting, The Simpsons, old school Bugs Bunny and Tom and Jerry cartoons back when comedy was as politially incorrect as possible, The Price is Right, Monty Python, Keeping Up Appearances


Lord of the Rings, The Prince, 1984, Gulag Archipelago, Black Lamb Grey Falcon, Bridge over the Drina, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, The Poky Little Puppy, Green Eggs and Ham, The Silmarillion, Dracula, Imagined Communities, Steppenwolf, The Philokalia, The Future of Freedom, In Praise of Folly, The Name of the Rose, History of the Byzantine State, History of the First Bulgarian Empire, The Bible

My Blog

On Nerdom - From Wounded Gazelle to Commidifiable Product

Hello, my name is Mike Rossi and I'm a nerd. Now I realize to a lot of people who will be reading this (read as two or three), such a statement is both generally commonplace, and specifically self-evi...
Posted by Mike on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 02:58:00 PST

The Death of Education vol. III: 4 Years in a Colosseum

I like to think that I'm one of the lucky ones both in College and in Grad School.Back in my day as an aspiring academic at Trenton State College (now the College of New Jersey, but I still call it Tr...
Posted by Mike on Fri, 11 May 2007 04:13:00 PST

The Death of Education vol. II: Putting Grammar back in Grammar School

It has become an unfortunate but unavoidable reality: college students today have a poor grasp of the English language. More often than not, college papers seem to be written in English that was trans...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 03:58:00 PST

The Death of Education vol. 1: Ramen Noodle Salaries

I've been wanting to write this for a long time now - pretty much since the end of January, but work and/or laziness have preempted such a rant, and I really feel that those who have come to know and ...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:11:00 PST

Yourself in One Year

Picture where you will be in one year. Rather than think of your New Year's Resolutions and how quickly you will break them, try to think of where you, your life, your career, your friends, whatever,...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 11:26:00 PST

Who is Really Stealing Christmas?

Ah, Christmas! My favorite time of year! T'is the Season to decorate the house, send cards to people you don't know, develop a taste for fruit cake, watch as many Rankin/Bass Christmas specials as pos...
Posted by Mike on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 12:57:00 PST

Clueless Liberals and Blockheaded Conservatives

President Bush's "you're either with us, or against us" approach to combating global terrorism has apparently taken a firm root in American domestic politics. American voters are increasingly being fo...
Posted by Mike on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 07:23:00 PST

No, God did NOT make you do it. You're just an idiot.

I've always had a soft spot for the Amish; maybe because of their lifestyles, maybe because of the great all-you-can-eat restaurants that dot the Pennsylvania area around Lancaster County, or maybe be...
Posted by Mike on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 10:16:00 PST

Fill it up with liquid jihad

Oh man, I'm going to Hell for this one. But since a vocal portion of the Muslim world thinks I'm a filthy Christian infidel whose going to Hell anyway, I guess I might as well enjoy the ride. What are...
Posted by Mike on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 11:50:00 PST

The Merits of being older than 27

In less than a year I'm going to be 30, and it's amazing how many people - almost all of them younger - look at me with a combination of awe and fear as they ask the proverbial question "How does it f...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 10:29:00 PST