aynsley! profile picture


have YOU ever been fired from a wedding band?

About Me

aspiration junkie...welcome to tigercityclick here
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My Interests

to create an online persona which is smarter, hipper, and generally more amiable than I am...let me know what you think...

I'd like to meet:

other yanni fans...oh and larry...


icy puddles trampled under foot, wind dancing with chime, the fervor of a morning bird's tweet...basically any good new age...


i'll be honest...i have a little problem staying awake once the lights go down...i do recall buffalo '66, happiness, eternal spotted something, america the beautiful, swimming pool, city of god...i only like really arty flicks...and new age music...


yanni: live at the acropolis


perverse palahniuk, something salinger, rowdy rand, beer & bukowski, any of the "________" for dummies series...basically anything that really makes me think...I'm no slacker...


my father...villians really inspire me too...

My Blog

narcolepsy? naw...it couldn't be...

...okay so now that a sufficient amount of time has passed since the approaching story has passed i feel comfortable sharing it with the few people if any who will read this little rant... ...i f...
Posted by aynsley! on Wed, 24 May 2006 11:52:00 PST

Preach it Double P!!!!

"it takes a long time to grow young" - Master P, aka Captain Caso, aka Pablo the Pimp (Big Ups!!!)
Posted by aynsley! on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 09:32:00 PST

cause for celebration (!)

...so i have officially reached new heights (depths) of boredom at my job and have given my profile a colorful makeover...yes i am sinking into the myspace abyss...    &n...
Posted by aynsley! on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 01:53:00 PST