MaT profile picture


No FlAwS ExCePt 4 BreAkIn ThA LaWs....

About Me

Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0CaLl It WhAt YoU WaNnA CaLl It I'm A FuCkIn AlChOlIc......hmmmmm.... a lil bout me.....1st off I am one laid back mutha fucka......i just like 2 chill out with friends, hit the bars up, and sleep (that's important).......I work my ass off during the week, but always find the time 2 drink somehow........anything else you could ask me i dont feel much like typin right now soooo......PeAcE.....

My Interests

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.................My FoUr FiVe-oH hiT tHe FrOnt doOr goT mE chiLLiN like a stAr Out the Ro Ro PLacE AnotNa hANd on My GeOrgia buLL BUt whEN I gOt Out the trUcK all the hOes frOze chEcKiN mE Out liKe I'M pO-pO BrIng A friEnD dOn'T gO sOlodO yOu waNnA tAkE thiS chAncE wiT mE I knOw hE bE sEeinG yOu glAncE at mE aNd Oh, dO yOu wAnNa livE yOuR fAnTaSy LEt's gO tO yOuR pLacE juSt yOu aNd mE TaKe it slOw Don'T cRy dRy yOur EyeS DeSpiSe tHe wAy thAt hE trEaT yOu wiTh LieS I Be yA MAry JAnE yA EveRyThinG nO paiN i be yA mOon stArS and Ya suN nO RaiN SeE it'S flAmin WheN hE lEaVe Us aLoNe cOmE ClOse NeVerFinD thE brAkeS WheN I'M At yOur hOmE I wOnt bOaSt Or brAg whEn I'm neXt tO yOu TrUe I dO aLL thE thAngS yA mAn wOnt dO FOr yOu sO heRe's A fEw ThinGs tO leT yOu knOw WheN yOu're dOwn.......................HeY MaMa StIcK a FoRk iN It, cAuSe yOu Be dEaLiN WiTh sOme brOthErs tHaT Ain'T rEaLLy LesS fOrtuNatE But I'm A brOthEr thAt Be uLtiMatE I tReaT a LadY LiKe a QueeN iF sHe Be LiViN LiKe An OrPhAn-It HiT tHe teLLy On ThE fOuRth aNd FifTh, CauSe iF yOur pApEr WiLL nOt beNd wE tRyiN tO sTicK iT LiKe wE aWesOme hoW mAnY cHanCe yOu sPosEd tO gEt? I bE ThE brOthEr iN ThE cLub ThAt be shiNiN WiTh ThE CoLdEsT fIt CoCk-bAcK WhEn yOu WeT mE uP, LeT mE SmiLe, keEp It rEal ANd I lOve iT WheN yOu sEx mE Up dOn'T hOld Me dOwN bAbY, LeT mE uP RecOgNizE I'm A sTaR, yOu hIt WiTh ThE mAsTeR, yOu iN cLasS BuT yOu hAd tO cUt, thEreE bE rUleS tO ThE gAmE If yOu RuShiN ThEn yOu aSkeD tO butT AiN't nO tImE fOr nO acTiN Up, goOd GaMe gEt mE toO EvEn iF yOu mAsTeRed WhAt? I'mA mAn giVe A tRuE lOvE, LAid bAcK WiTh ThE LadIeS And i bAng WiTh ThE tRuE ThUgS ShArE thE WeaLtH WiTh mY cReW whAt? BeCaUsE a ChI bRoTheR knOw ThaT a PluGgEd On ThE sAmE dOvE LeT ThE wOrLd knOw I bLeW uP, bEcAuSe I gOt On My tOp And I dRoP WiTh a nEw CuT InVeNt a sTyLe aNd TheY WaNt ThAt LiKe ThAt SeEn a hO WaNNa sPiN iN mY CadLLaC GiVe iT RighT bAcK............................................


JuIcE, AbOvE ThE RiM, KilL BiLl, AlL Of ThE FrIdAy'S, DaZeD AnD CoNfUsEd, FaSt TiMeS At RiDgEmOnT HiGh, BlOw, HaLf BakEd, OlD ScHoOl, ReSerVoIr DoGs, cAdDy sHaCk, and ManY MoRe.....


FoR AlL ThE FaLlEn SoLdIeRs.....