I think that pretty much everyone from Pleasants County knows me... but if you don't here's the Cliffnote's version - I'm a firefighter/EMT/funeral director/embalmer. I work at Ingram Funeral Home in St. Marys and I currently serve as Lieutenant on Belmont Fire - Rescue. My AIM screen name is LtCraigBVFD, so if you are bored give me a shout.
Firefighting and EMS
How long have u been in emergency services? Since 2000
How many departments do you run with? 2 right now, but I've ran with as many as 4
What is your favorite piece of aparatus to ride on? Engine 13 (our custom pumper)
How many pieces of aparatus does your station have? 6
Have you ever been first line in? Yes, several times
Did you ever get hurt in a fire? No, thankfully
Do you have your EMT? Yes
How many ambulance calls have you run? alot
Are you or have you ever been a line officer? Yes, I'm currently the 1st Lieutenant
Did u ever belong to a paid department? Yes
What is the longest time you were ever on a call? 18 hours (3 structure fire calls back to back to back)
How many certifications do you have? quite a few...I don't know the exact number
Have you ever been called a wacker? no
Do you have a blue light/red light? yes
Do you have more than one light on your POV?
How many fire/ems stickers do you have on your vehicle? Does a license plate count?
How many pagers do you have? 2
How often are you at the fire house, or is it your second home? at least 4-5 hours a week...it depends on how busy we are.
Are you a JR. or a Sr. fire fighter? Senior
If you are a paid emt do you perfer als or bls? I was paid, I just volunteer now... but I prefer ALS
Have you ever been to a fatal fire or accident? Yes, unfortunately.
Do you have a nextel cell phone? no
How many parades do you go to every year? probably a half-dozen or so
Ever get drunk at a fire house function? negative... alcohol is strictly prohibited.