William profile picture


Evolution's advent to change; growth synonymous to pain, concluding in fate being reordained. Now lo

About Me

Greetings and hello,
Thank you for taking an interest in my past. You may be asking yourself at this point: What makes this person unique? I'm just like you would have been had you made some ignorant decisions earlier in your life. My story, one day, will be published and criticized as being yet another inspirational rag to riches montage. For those of a jaded nature, one would need not investigate any further. However to you, my friends, life is full of mystery and knowledge. To further the perspective of ones mind is to expand the boundaries of ones very nature. For if in nothing else, we are truly ourselves in thought.
I'm a free spirit, on the winds of change. I've learned things in the hardest ways possible. Trying to find exactly what the truth is and what remains furthest from. I can sum up many of my experiences into one simple piece of sage advice. "Fighting against the current will only serve to justify its strength. You'll walk away tired and bitter, having learned nothing." Now we all know there’s a system. We all agree there are some aspects that we find unfavorable, nigh revolting. However if you choose to stop your life at not accepting this fact, you better learn to play the guitar. Then just ignore the fact that the music industry is just as the name implies, an industry.
To put it in perspective, you will either be a poor beggar, or a hypocrite. Neither of those seem all too favorable. So, to close: "Don't waste your strength fighting that which is more powerful then you are, the only reward in that is fatigue; not furthering your journey, instead combine the power you possess and the current to make a vehicle to carry you further then you ever would have dreamed."
Knowledge is power. First I'll build a raft, then a dam, from there, turbines for hydroelectric. This is my quest to harness power. I'm looking forward to meeting you.
"How sad you just don't get it.
There's nothing which I don't cherish..."

My Interests


Read my VisualDNA ™ Get your own VisualDNA™
Compassion, Power, unification, enlightenment, peace, joy, hope, advancement, life, one world, one people, evolution.

I'd like to meet:

I'm looking for someone who is willing to go on this journey with me. Witty, intelligent, focused, and independent; someone with a neutral, or chaotic good alignment. The view I have toward a relationship is that it's a separate entity. Which both parties must care for, like a child, neither partner owns the other. This is not an excuse to do what you want: That would be neglecting the relationship. If you're on my profile, then you helped build it.

I want that Dew truck!
.. Leave a comment! ..


Quite honestly, I like music as a concept before I like it as a style. Music is the language you are born knowing, and it has great power. Any music that has discernible power is good for me.OCremix , Di.fm , songs of beauty, freedom, God, love, life, happiness, most of all: That song you're listening to right now.


A good movie is one that is enjoyed in the proper company. I think that's what I enjoy about most movies; the people I'm around when I watch them. These are some that I watch while I'm alone though: A Knight's Tail, Princess Mononoke, Groundhog Day, Transformers, The Matrix (Agent Smith), Gladiator, Conversations With God, The Animatrix, Fight Club, Office Space, Idiocracy, Serenity, Final Fantasy VII-Advent Children, Soldier, Tank Girl, Hackers, Monty Python The Meaning Of Life, Swordfish, The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, V For Vendetta, Dune, The Animatrix


A lot like movies, I don't really get into TV when I'm all alone. I used to like that 70's show but it got old when Hyde got sadistic. He went from rebel without a cause to being a sadistic bitter old man, dead before his time. I like scrubs, even though it has a soap undertone to it, and the characters are kinda hard to believe.
Really, when I watch a Television show I have to relate with at least one of the characters, they have to encourage thought, and have a replay value, not just some momentary fix for entertainment.
Some of my past favorites include:
Transformers (It was my first ever favorite)
Kino's Journeys
Trigun (like scrubs with guns)
Beyond Tomorrow
Now that I have cable I find myself liking the science channel and the scope on technology of tomorrow.


okay, I like books. I like books about adventure, growth, and secrets. I don't like books that assume their audience and type cast the reader. Or books with no discernible point to them. I like books, and one day I think I'm going to write one.


God, the off duty state trooper who helped me smack death's hand away, the people who think too much and not enough, My parents, The firefighter Dwayne, My selfless godparents Nazy and Rozy, The whole Baker family (thank you Jarrod, Al, Bobbi, and Dustin), Meryl Davenport, my brother , Photoshop , David , Aaron S., Mike, Rachel , and anyone eles who has contributed toward me being the person I am today.
Most importantly of all,
water; a substance I owe my life to.

My beautiful system resource eating icon ;}
I would like the thank all of my lovers, lovers, lovers, lovers.

'"I think a lot of our fans are just angry nerds like us,"Gurewitz says afterwards. "And that's really who we write for. Being a humanist and an intellectual is about as rebellious as it gets these days."'
~ Bad religion

My Blog

My departed friends

Those of you who thought that I was taking up to much space on your infinite friends list, the ones who played a game and left, you who could not find a use and were too blind to ask, those who I impa...
Posted by William on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 10:07:00 PST

Clip my wings and call me happy...

Here in wonderful Jackson there's much to love. However, there is no signs anywhere that say free Moped... NOWHERE!Someone took my wheels. Please help me find them.This is just bad form... I want it b...
Posted by William on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 01:47:00 PST

The answer!

I keep putting things off until the last moment, I pour my heart and soul into them then find myself deadlocked. This is because if I put it off, if there is no time left, then what I have has to be t...
Posted by William on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 09:59:00 PST

What is real love?

Last night I was looking through my old writings, picking at scabs from the past. I came across a rant that detailed my feelings right after the woman I had started going to school for had her new boy...
Posted by William on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 12:44:00 PST

One step to quitting

"I am not addicted"Belive it! ...
Posted by William on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 08:09:00 PST

I <3 Phags too!!!112!one

Really I do, and I wish I had a pink T-shirt that has it printed accost it. Anyone can be ghay, it's not a sexual preference, all they have to do is be socially awkward. Look at it like this, if someo...
Posted by William on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 08:38:00 PST

Recursive loop

Everyone at one point has grief. This affliction comes in five stages. A process which is time tested. Denial: This is not really happening; nothing was done to deserve this. Anger: The problem is ...
Posted by William on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 10:41:00 PST


It should never be easy. Life should always be a challenge, because it is a constant source of development, that challenge should always be fun. Boredom is absents of challenge, and fear is doubt in o...
Posted by William on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 08:17:00 PST

Just a moment in my mind

Just listen to the music as you read, this is what it's like to be in my world. .. Not sure what I want to do in the here and now. I know what I should be doing, and when I do it I actuall...
Posted by William on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 07:57:00 PST


FriendsEvery day, in every way, my life is better and better.This is my affirmation. I don't intend ..ing this posting. I just wanted to get it started. I want to get my frinds in a postion where they...
Posted by William on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 04:30:00 PST