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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hiya, I'm duck. I'm kinda do alot things guy. I'm a tool maker, engineer, artist, musician, wanna be cook, husband, father, and a few things I'd rather not! This is all for now, maybe I'll modify this later....

My Interests

Art, blues, fishing, hunting, boating, growing the magic... Too many hobbies, not enough time!


I like just about everything, except gangster rap, old country, and opera. I play in various bands, mostly blues. I am a harmonica player that loves to play the Chicago style of boogie woogie. My tastes range from Van Morrison to Puddle of Mud to Kid Rock. It sucks that what I still really enjoy is now considered oldies! Guess that comes with age, huh?


Blues Brothers 1 & 2, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Carribean, Debbie Does Dallas, Forest Gump, just about anything that's interesting...


I like Seinfeld, Everyone loves Raymond, and American Idol. Other than that, I really don't watch much.


Lord of the Rings, Exodus, Trinity, the phone book, grillin' and chillin' with the blues, the technical manual for my vacumn cleaner is pretty cool too.


My wife has been battling ALS (Lou Gerhig's Disease) for over 4 years. She shows unbelievable strength that I never could have. She gave me two beautiful daughters and changed my life completely. Yes, she is my hero. But don't tell her I said that!