Comics, stickers, animation, all things creative.
Other artist-type people and fans of comics and cartooning.
Faith No More, Tom Waits, Iron Maiden, Louie Prima, The Dan Band, Elvis Presley, KISS, Keely Smith, Rob Zombie, Neal Diamond, Johnny Cash, Stephen Lynch, Tool, Frank Sinatra, Sam Cooke, Metallica, Tenacious D
Star Wars Trilogy (the oringinal three, "un" messed-around with), The Crow, Mystery Men, Iron Giant, Old School, Napolean Dynamite, Hellboy, Jaws, The Incredibles (all things Pixar), School of Rock, Batman Returns, V for Vendetta, Nacho Libre, all of the Muppet Movies
The Simpsons, Venture Brothers, Reruns of Farscape and X-Files, CSI, Smack Down, The Muppet Show, Futurama, Drawn Together and old school Game Shows
Art and Fear, PCS Book 1 and 2, Petey, Clover Leaf, Action Figure and Angry Bastard, The Business of Illustration, The Education of an Illustrator, Graphitti World, Education of a Comics Artist
Melissa, Megan, Kyle, Jeffro, Bob, every member of the Philadelphia Cartoonist Society, and every student I've ever taught.