پدرقرمزروشن profile picture


Death before Dishonor

About Me


Name? KevinAlexander....yea thats my first name
Hair? Black
Eyes? Brown
Height? 5'7
Hometown? Where i grew up...duh...
Birthplace? Olongapo City Phillipeans
Sign? picies
Left/Right handed? Abidextrous
Heritage? No effin clue mate
Favorite Season? Winter
Favorite Color? Red
Favorite Cd? Too much to name one
Favorite Movie? Same as the last answer
Favorite day of the week? none
Favorite number? 17
Favorite animals? none
What pets do you have? 2 muts
Favorite car? Honda Civic
Favorite Sport? Chess
What did you wear today? Wouldnt you like to know.
Favorite Food? Asian stuff
Do you smoke? Yes
Do you drink? Only too much
Do you do drugs? Used to
Do you like your life? Only few things about it......one or two HINT: it has to do with my phone
Favorite fast food? Taco bell Biatches!
What did you eat today? nothing
How many piercings do you have? 6
How many tatoos do you have? 1
What is your weakness? Only one person knows that
What is your greatest fear? Spiders
Where would you most like to travel to? Far from here
Favorite band/artist? System of a Down/ Static-x
Do you like indoors or outdoors better? Why would i like doors?
What is your favorite pastime? ............no clue
Favorite holiday? Holloween....people actually arent scared of the way i dress that day
Most missed memory? I forgot
Biggest Regret? None
Ever been in love? .......
Someone you love? .......
Something you hate? People
Do you think you are attractive? You tell me...
Do you believe in yourself? Belief.....theyre the bullets of the wicked!!!!
What do you wish you could change about yourself? Nothing i am who i am and nothing can change that
Favorite junk food? ......all of it
Favorite t.v. show? Stuff.....
Most important quality in a friend? Theyre supposed to have good qualities? haha
Most important quality in a boy/girl friend? Communication
Do you cry when you watch a sad movie? Like id admit to that
Do you shower everyday? Twice
Do you get along with your parents? Only my dad
Do you go to school and/or have a job? School
Are you .. for more than 2 hours a day? Yes
Sox or Yankees? What?
Coke or pepsi? Crack!
coffee or tea? Crack!
Night or day? .....Night
Raine or shine? Why would i like Shine if i prefered night?
Sugar or Salt? Pepper
beer or alcohol? Isnt beer a form of alcohol?
cat or dog? neither
make love or fuck? Fuck?? I like to making fuck.... hehe
chocolate or vanilla? Both
ideal job? Assassin / ninja/ pirate
favorite ice cream? All
favorite video game? I dont know
favorite website? I dont know
What one thing do you want the most? I dont know
Do you have siblings? no
Do you sing? Majestically hahaha yea right
Do you dance? A bit
Ideal Boy or Girl
hair color?
eye color?
weight? 100 to 110
what first attracts you to a person? hmmm looks i suppose then the attitude
are looks the most important quality? not the MOST important but good looks shows organization and hygene and all that other shit
do you like men and women? Women
what about if you were drunk? like that would change?
would you prefer the person to be rich? No
do you want someone older or younger than you? Younger
What personality trait is most important? Being able to communicate, Telling the truth, and having that connection you know?
Final Questions
What is your screen name? jhkjhsdfkjhasdfjkhsdfjkhsdf yea like id say that
Do you like meeting new people? Maybe
What is your best quality? You tell me.......
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!Created with mySpace Profile Editor

My Interests

My beautiful girlfriend Alyscia,My friends, parties, chineese food, video games, the colour red, Dr. pepper, going to concerts, Vault, clothes, cool hair, Halo, World of Warcraft, cartoons, reading books, acting stupid, Dave Chapelle, James bond, NINJAS, and music.

I'd like to meet:

Hahahaha i've met the people i wanted to meet so fuck off...


SYSTEM OF A DOWN- static-x - cradle of filth- M.S.I.- blood hound gang- Fear factory- Chamaira- avenged sevenfold- Dope- Bile- Leftover Crack- AFI- Demon Hunter- Disturbed- Skindread-Daft Punk- Lamb of God- Drist- and i really dont feel like listing the rest.....


Pirates of the carribean- The last Samurai- troy- ong bak- The matrix- Anything with Jackie chan or Jet Li in it- Lord of the Ring- Star Wars- Equilibrium- The Clerks.


Invader Zim, Samurai Champloo, Family Guy


THE BIBLE-Lord of the NIght- Gates of Fire- Tides of War- Mother Goose- And most War Hammer 40,000 books,


Alyscia,Spiderman,The Infagable Krunk,Captain Jack Spearrow,Zero,all brown people who rise from the ashes of oprression, and the green lantern.

My Blog

Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr

The face and the lips tremble as it ripsYour breath quickening as heat rushes inPull harder strings martyrStop your cry thats a lieFlush gasping white reddening      &nbs...
Posted by Yos on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 08:42:00 PST

Whose your god?

I liquify mic'sI can write a rhyme with my consicenceThat can perform an exorcism with no responsesmy verbal calligraphy is the Bible for m.c.'ingSo when i test your abilit i remain to stay flamablePr...
Posted by Yos on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 05:50:00 PST

-Bionic Jive-

Its Automatic I rain caskets of dead poetsMy mother gave the permission for the serum of lyricismDr. Kavorkian Overdosed itNow I rain death traps, P.O.W., camps and torture chambersMy insane slan...
Posted by Yos on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 04:46:00 PST