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Pussy Posse Pyro

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About Me

Pyrophilia is a relatively uncommon paraphilia in which the patient derives gratification from fire and fire-starting activity. It is distinguished from pyromania by the gratification being of a sexual nature.
Some described cases of pyrophilia do not include behaviors commonly associated with pyromania, such as being a regular “watcher” at fires in his neighbourhood; setting off false alarms; deriving pleasure from institutions, equipment, and personnel associated with fire, spending time at the local fire station, setting fires in order to be affiliated with the fire department; and either showing indifference to the consequences to life and property caused by the fire or deriving satisfaction from the resulting destruction of property.
Sexual gratification need not involve actual fire; arousal or masturbatory aids may include fantasies or talk of setting a fire. In other instances, the patient may derive arousal primarily from setting or watching his fire.
(1987) "Fire fetishism, diagnostic and clinical implications: A review of two cases". Canadian Journal of Psychiatry V 32
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Pretty much everything except emo.......damn kids wearing their sister's pants.....


Imagine Me & You, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Cosi


Anything on BBC or Cartoon Network




My mother. The woman that gave me the strength to be the person that I am today, and the understanding to love me anyways.

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~Pussy Posse Girls Data Sheet~

~Pussy Posse Girls Data Sheet~ Name: Pussy Posse Pyro Sexual orientation:  Uspecifically Queer Measurements: 42/27/40 Height: 5'9'' Weight: 145 Hair color: Brown and Blonde Eye Color: brown What ...
Posted by Pussy Posse Pyro on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 07:12:00 PST