I always like to try new things. Theater/arts, music. Nature walks along beaches and in parks as well as museums and zoos.. Holistic art of medicine and healing. As far as movies go, I am not as much of a buff as my son, but I do enjoy a good mystery/thriller, action/adventure,romance and comedies just because, who doesn't need to laugh?? Love stories are good for cleaning out the tear ducts.:) Most of the time I will watch a Docudrama. I like to figure out the murder mysteries, though.
I like watching sports. Dancing. I LOVE A GOOD JOKE!! SO PLEASE Make me laugh! Now c'mon, I know that made you at least smile.:-)
Wild animals, zoos, parks anything to do with nature makes me smile. I am a real sucker for zoos. Tell me about your pet. I have the SD Zoo PANDA cam. on ALL THE TIME!!
There is ooooh so much more to talk about. drop me a line and we'll chat.
Like I said before. All kinds. There is not much that I do not listen to. I'm Oh, so eclectic.
Such a wide variety. I just can't nail it down to one specific genre.
A fluff junky. Too much other serious stuff going on for me right now.
None lately. But when I do, It usually takes all of my attention. Once I start it, I don't like to stop. It must be a family thing huh?
My parents. They were cool!!