Give me a rock an' roll band with a mean an' dirty blues guitar!
Outside of music? Wide open spaces where the only things I can see and hear are natural. One of the joys of living in Scotland is that there are such places and if your lucky you're the only person there.
Anyone who sees their photo in here. Where are you now? And if your photos not here but you feel inclined to say hello, please do.
The photos didn't get any better over the years and the current camera is miles better that the one I used back then...
Memory Lane - My misspent youth
Some links to the kind of stuff I like...
The Answer
Jimmy Barnes
Not really! Last one I went to was "Walk the line".
Haven't got one.
Mostly thrillers/horror, some non fiction but generally not biogs., only good biog. I've read was Bob Geldoff's and that was about 20 years ago
me' Dad and tunes, 1,000's of them