Watch More Videos Uploaded by by ME Dancing by Jenn LaceyIm Little miss Leah Pompey : ) Well what can I say... Im a CRAZY PARTY GIRL who lives to love life!! Im constantly SMILING and giggling… Generally high on life!! I have an AFRO n I love it!! haha it has got to be said. It is cool as fook!! Usually have colourful eyes, luv experimenting wi make up, keeps me quiet! Just finished two years and got ma alevels in photography n video, yeyshhh!! Lifes bin mental recently, i had two weeks in ibiza and it made me realise alot. iv grown up alot and im a strong person inside always making the best out of every situation, now im home sum things need to change but along the way ill be having the time of my life!! its all good!! : )Music is a good answer to my problems, changes the way I feel n look at things!.. my best advise for any situation is to put your favourite tune on LOUD and relax and enjoy, or even dance round the room, or remember the memories, but you will always, always feel better after!! : )I love DANCING, and I mean really stomping, it is what makes me happy! I do a lot of promotion for ELECTROLICK : WWW.MYSPACE.COM/ELECTROLICK a night at CITRUS ROOMS in Barnsley every 1st Saturday of every month.