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I am here for Friends

About Me

Well, I'm a nuclear physicist fro....ha, yeah right! I'm a student at Liverpool University now woo! I live on the funky peninsular, known to nobody outside of the North West of England, called The Wirral! I have groovy mates and...er...well...I'm the kind of guy who says groovy! You have been warned! ..
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My Interests

Well, I like music, films and books (should help with the next few sections!), so I'm always going to the cinema and listening to my i-pod (not at the same time). I like playing badminton but am pretty dire at it and I do fencing...at which I am also pretty dire! Oh and I'm trying to learn the guitar and trying to write something - i'll get there eventually!

I'd like to meet:

Jack Bauer! Not Kiefer Sutherland, though he seems quite cool, but Jack! Kirsten Dunst too because...well, do you need an explanation!? And ooh Bruce Willis and Ewan McGregor rock! Can't think of any that aren't shallow or stupid so moving on!..
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Robbie Williams, Green Day, The Killers, The Feeling, The Fratellis, Snow Patrol, The Calling and Bon Jovi to name but a few!


Oho where to start?! Star Wars, Die Hard Trilogy, Lord of the Rings, James Bond, Mission Impossible trilogy, Matrix trilogy, Pirates of the Carribean, Spider-man trilogy and a worrying number of romcoms! Ooh Elizabethtown!


Well this section used to say I don't have Sky...but I do now so I can watch 24!!! That is THE BEST programme ever! I'm obsessed with Scrubs and love Friends and Doctor Who too. And I've recently rediscovered that Lee Mack programme - Not Going Out :D


Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, Dan Brown's books and Lee Child's books as well as lohoads of other random ones.


JACK BAUER!!!!!!! I actually have nothing deep and meaningful to say! Ooh no wait I do - Chris Gardner - the man 'Pursuit of Happyness' is based on - an unbelievable man!

My Blog


OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG (looks like gom) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm seeing the Feelingon 22nd February in Liverpool Uni!!!!!!!WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!! Gonna rock - loads of people going! I'm skint but yay! Luv y'all x...
Posted by Ian on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 05:58:00 PST

Hello, hello, hellooooo!!

Hey kids! I know my MySpace is a bit MySparse at the moment (oh dear...did I jsut say that?!) but it'll get there! Prom fotos will also arrive at some juncture lol! TTFN Ta Ta For Now!
Posted by Ian on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 10:40:00 PST