Captain Jack Sparrow profile picture

Captain Jack Sparrow

Hello Everyone

About Me

My name is 'Jack'.One of my friend started calling me as 'Captain Jack Sparrow', so I have selected this name for myself. She is a very special friend of mine and this name is better than the one my parents selected for me.I am a bit shy at first, but can be very frinedly after sometimes.I dont know how to be more intelligent. Someone is trying to hijack my account and I dont know how to stop it. Some of my myspace friends were very helpful to solve this problem.Finally I found out how my account was hijacked, lol. I am sooo stupid, haha.I like to talk to people from all over this world. Love to meet new people, learn about their country, cultures, etc.If anyone wanna add me on msn, plz send me a message so I can give u my msn id. thanx.

My Interests

Swim, movies, Football, movies, friends.

I'd like to meet:

Friends from all over this nice universe. Anyone is welcome to add me. I like to meet new people all the time.


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Comedy, Thriller, Mild Action, Romantic.


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