D's Nuts profile picture

D's Nuts

Search for the truth. Life is like a plant, you must nurture the roots. And so, these are words for

About Me

My name is David Diaz. I'm just a man who likes to have fun. I have a good job working at a warehouse operating heavy machinery, which is kind of dangerous but I like it because it pays good and I get to operate heavy machinery! I have a music page, which is what most people know me for, but I wanted a personal page to be able to show people the music I like to listen to when I'm not working on my own. I want everyone to be able to enjoy this page for its music/ blogs/ pictures/ perfectly placed explicit content/ whatever... so feel free to add it. And I'll always try to keep it fresh. If you would like to see the other side of me (my music side) check out www.myspace.com/mrsos..


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

God. The one that created the universe... so I can ask him if he exists... but if I met him he'd probably be like, "well, you're meeting me now, are you not?" so that would answer that question. Then I'd have to ask him why it seems like bad people are the most successful and why good people have so many bad things that they don't deserve happen to them constantly... I don't know what he'd say then, but I'm hoping he wouldn't get mad and stop telling me to ask so many questions because that wouldn't be the answer I'd be looking for. Speaking of God, that reminds me of this time he spoke to me by giving me a sign. It was around 10 years ago (97ish) and I was saying a prayer in which I asked God the same question... something like "why does so much good happen to bad people and why do good people have so many bad things happen to them constantly?" and "if you are real and really exist, please give me a sign... something noticable that I can't miss". After that I said Amen, pressed play on my radio next to my bed so I can sleep to my new Soul Food Soundtrack CD starting with "In Due Time" by Outkast and Cee Lo... and got my message instantly. The very first words I heard were:

"Just keep your faith in me
Don't act impatiently
You'll get where you need to be.. In Due Time.
Even when things are slow
Hold on and don't let go
I'll give you what I owe.. In Due Time"

I flipped out. Needless to say this is still one of my favorite songs today.

Outkast ft Cee Lo
"In Due Time"
Soul Food Soundtrack


I Used To Love H.E.R. State Of Mind


Dr. Strangelove, Bulworth, Scarface, Fight Club, Iron Monkey, Matrix, The Usual Suspects, Friday After Next, From Dusk Til Dawn, The Legend Of Drunken Master, Half Baked, X2, Kill Bill, Sin City, Juice.


The drug of the nation..

The Flintstones smoked cigarettes

Scooby Doo smoked something else

Jon Stewart & David Letterman

Stephen Colbert defends "The Long War"

My Blog

DID YOU KNOW??? - [mind control exists]

Did you know that mind control exists? That's right. It exists now and has existed for some time. It was first used back in Nazi Germany by scientists that worked for Adolph Hitler and was known as "W...
Posted by This Is My Personal Page on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 07:33:00 PST

The Prophetic Cameo

Imagine life being a movie. You are the star of your movie, you have your co-stars (close friends or family), your extras (people you pass and never speak to), sometimes you have y...
Posted by This Is My Personal Page on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 11:37:00 PST

The Double Edge Sword

I've come to realize that my life is one big double edge sword. No matter which way or direction I choose, I'm destined to get cut. It's the gift and the curse of my life that make me who I am. G...
Posted by This Is My Personal Page on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 11:36:00 PST

Stop Tailgating (R) [explicit content]

Everyone needs to stop fucking tailgating. I hate that shit. Now I know that some people are going to say, "Fuck that, man. Tailgating is cool!" Oh yeah? Guess what.. no, it's not. I know some people ...
Posted by This Is My Personal Page on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 04:23:00 PST

This Is My Personal Page (introduction)

Hello earthlings and everyone else... if you're out there. Welcome to my personal page. I made this page to give myself a place to express myself more because I feel strange expressing myself on ...
Posted by This Is My Personal Page on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 01:12:00 PST