Worston Records is an independent record label located in Stockholm, Sweden. Since 1996 we've been cutting discs and promoting bands like EVERSLICK, STOPGAP, ANTI-HERO, DEADMEAT, STEWARD and SLOWLIFE. To contact us, please use this address:
Email: info(at)worstonrecords.com
Worston Records, P.O. Box 1100, S-11479 Stockholm, Sweden
For more news and information or if you'd like to send us emails etc - go to our website and use the email form at: worstonrecords.com
Order the SLOWLIFE CD "What You Fear Is What You Get" (11 EUR)
We're currently looking for management and distro in the US and Germany. If you have any helping info to share, please contact Worston Records directly from our web page. Any help deeply appreciated!
The new video for Play God: