I love all kinds of games (board, computer, card, rpgs, console, etc..), fantasy/sci-fi movies, physics & math, philosophy, ancient pagan religions, and anything interesting.
I would like to meet some like minded creative souls who are looking for adventure in this twisted little world of ours!
Current trend is Pink, Black Eyed Peas, and Pat Benetar.
Harry Potter (all), Kill Bill (Volume 1 & 2), The Lord of the Rings trilogy, most Disney movies, and lots of different cheezy horror flicks like Hellraiser & Nightmare on Elm Street.
My favorite groups of series include only the most campy such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Xena Warrior Princess, Avatar (Current Favorite), SpongeBob Square Pants, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Weeds, Stargate and many many more!
Harry Potter of course! Although Da Vinci Code was a good read as well.
He-Man and She-Ra because they represent ideals of goodness that we should all strive for!
You Are Strength
You represent both fiery energy and steadfast will.
You are innocent and naive - yet unafraid and undaunted.
Perhaps you don't have the most powerful physical strength...
But your mental powers make up for any amount of muscle.
Your fortune:
Lately, you have been a pillar of ethics and moral strength.
And while things may be difficult, your faith in yourself will come through.
You may need to conquer the animalistic nature of yourself or others, with gentle force.
Although this may seem like the darkest hour for you, victory is near.
What Tarot Card Are You?