I Belong To Me</3 profile picture

I Belong To Me&lt;/3

I Dream Like I'll Live Forever

About Me

.. width="425" height="350" .. I'm an eXtremly happy pearson
I'm optomistic and funny kinda smart bubbly cute bouncy energetic real down to earth
I almost always speak my mind it usally gets me in troble but o well
I LOVE to dance in the rain
I say "like whoa" alot and i love it
My bestest Friends are


I love my friends more then I love myself
I'm the most confadent and the most insacure pearson that you will probubly ever meet
i will probubly confuse you alot
I DONT talk clearly when I'm eXcited
I cant spell for shit
I'm the worst singer you will ever meet
I hate my body but every1 eles loves it so i show it off
I like to take nakey or almost nakey pictures but you'll never see anything
I like to make up words
I'm really sweet when you get to know me
I dont give a fuck what anyone thinks about me eXcept the Three people i mentioned above
I cures WAY more then i should
I'm usally always happy but when I'm pissed its BAD like WHOA
I'm not a virgin and i dont pretend to be one
I'm not a slut either
As bad as it may sound i will lie cheat and steal to n e one to protect myself from getting hurt
I'm rele honest if i dont like something you say do or wear you'll know it
I wont dislike you unless i have a reason too
I like to be random
I wana be famous one day
I'm an eXtremly impatient and I get upset if i dont get my way witch I almost
I hold in my own emotions
I give people advice that i cant do myself
i love carwh ee ls
i wana be on the cover of PEOPLE when i grow up
I wana do something that'll change the world
When i die i want people to rember me
I have alot of insacurity's
I use Confadince as my sheild
you always get old but you dont have to grow up
I'm scared of snakes
i use alot of hidden messages
I always say how i really feel in code and if you really pay attention you can figure it out
i like to play in snow
my favorit smell is the smell of Fall
I hate alot of things likeI hate it when people get treated like shit and they do nothing about it they get pushed around and they just let it happen,i hate people who pretend there in love when there not and they make stupid mistakes like giveing away there virginity to a boy that treats them likeshit,i hate people that get pulled over by the cops and the and get like 300 dollar tickets (cause the cop dosent know the laws correctly) and all they have to say is sorry officer I'm haveing a bad day,i hate people who say I'll have to call you back and never do,i hate people who pretend to like you but really they dont,i hate people who as soon as they get a new boyfriend they forget about their best friends and call u up and say they'll hang out with you if he's asleep since they're gonna be out your way anyway. im not a fucking default plan im option number one or not at all,i hate all the mushy pictures with random qoutes on it and they call it emo or some bullshit like that,i hate people who IM you when your away and all they say is "Hey Whats upp" like they didnt know you were away or something and then the sign off before you come back,i hate pretending,i hate the way girls (and boys) act (like screaming "OMG HES SO HOTT" or "OMG I LIKE TOTALLY LiKE LOVE HIM") when johnny deep or orlando blooms name come up i think you look stupid and retarted there not cute and they cant really act,i hate it when people put celebritys on there myspace and have the captions be "my future hubby" or "MY wifey" your prolly never ever going to meet them personally in your life time let alone get close enough to marry them so you just look really stupid,i hate the fact that my bracelet didnt fit me right and kept falling down on my arm,i hate obnocious 10 year old girls who think there grown,i hate people that make you feel akward all the time and never talk,i hate shy people,i hate people who dont try to look good or even clean they make not showering a look and its gross they think thatre to serious or origonal to trya and dress nice,i hate people who try so hard to be diffrent to the point that they just look weird and ugly belive me i'm all for origonality but get the fuck over yourselves,I hate most heterosexual males,i hate when WaWa dosent have lemonade ice tea,i hate it when leftovers go bad right when you wana eat them,i hate it when computer programs dontdo what you want them to do,i hate it when youve been working on something for like 2 hours and then your computer frazes right as you hit the save button loseing all your work and have ing to start all over,i hate people with to many perceings,i hate boys who think you'll just jump in the sack with them most likely your not even that cute to begin with,i hate boys that say they like you so much but there room mates cuter then you,i hate people who take there bad moods out on other people,if you do any of those things then dont bother adding me or talking to me
I'm not afraid of you or your opinouns of me
I've been thro more then you will EVER understand so dont underestimate me
Ive been told that I'm complicated
if a normal person went thro half of the shit ive been thro they would have dided a long time ago
I'm eXceptionallhy strong
Your Jelouse
i know
Its ok i promise
I love Music, Danceing, Hanging out with myfriends, lollypops, Cute boys, Singing in the pooring rain, running around, doing flips, flirting, shopping, swimming, acting, driveing, telling ppl what to do, playin wit kids, makeing ppl feel better, and a shitload of other things
I've got more wit,
a better kiss,
a hottertouch
a better fuck than any


you'll ever meet.
Sweetie you had me.

e"Diversity Is Beautiful and 7
-Some times god makes people to greatSometimes god makes people that'll do to much good in the worldSometimes god makes TRUE angles by mistake-
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts

My Interests

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♥Shopping and Dancing♥ ♥dance
reading ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥LOVE

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

♥ ♥aimsex♥


takeing pictures ♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&hea rts;♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&hea rts;♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&hea rts;♥

Poseing for pictures

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&hea rts;♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&hea rts;♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&hea rts;
♥Shopping and Danceing♥

This is the most AMAZING girl ever

I'd like to meet:

a boy that keeps promises. a boy that will call back when he says he will. a boy that will watch girly movies with me. a boy that will give me the remote. someone that will build legos with me. a boy that i can depend on. a boy that i wont have to worry about cheating on me or lieing to me. a boy that pushes my hair off my face. a boy that will play on the swings with me. a boy that will hold my hand everywhere. someone who loves to laugh as much as i do. a boy that respects my beliefs and wont make fun of them. someone who will write me cheesy notes. someone who wont be afraid to take pictures of us kissing like little kids. a boy that will stay up with me when im sick or when i just need someone to be with. a boy that will slow dance with me. someone who accepts me for who i am. someone who will roll around in the grass with me and watch the stars. someone who will keep me warm. someone who will kiss my boo- boos. someone who doesnt get bored easily. someone who will play in the rain with me. someone who wont forget important days. a cute boy that will rub his thumb up & down while we hold hands. a boy who knows a relationship takes two people. someone who will show up at my door unexpectedly. a boy that shares his slurpees with me. someone who i can carve names into a tree with. i want a boy who would beat the shit out of someone if they made fun of me. i want a boy who would let me gossip to him and would just smile and agree with everything i said. a boy to play video games with. i want a boy who would surprise me with 25 cent rings. someone who will give me their favorite sweatshirt to sleep with. a boy who opens the door for me. i want a boy who will send me valentines day cards in the middle of the summer. a boy who knows my favorite color, song, car, vegetable, perfume, & the color of my toothbrush. one who will play with my little brother and sister. someone i can be completely stupid with. a boy who says i love you after i say i hate you. a boy who wont try to get me to do anything i dont want to do. a boy that wont change infront of his friends. someone who actually knows what they want.a boy that will go to the ened of the world to come to every dance show I'm ever in even if I'm only in it for 2 seconds. .. width="425" height="350" ..
i want a man not a boy aNyone



I just wanted to say that I Love You. your the best friend i think i've ever had... no one could ever know me like you could weve been thro so much.... one night i had a dream that you died and i woke up called you talked to you for like 5 minutes cause you were off being Miss. Popular @ a party and cryed for an hour cause just the thought of not haveing you in my life is devestateing....... i dont know where i would be if it wasnt for you..... you always say I'm such a nerd Why are you friends with me? and i could ask you tyhe same thing every time i mean lest face it I'm not perfect... far from I'm loud and obnocious sarcastic bitchty and sometimes mean i cant hold my toung i curse ALL the time I'm hott headed and i rush into things I'm a lil weird and way over protective....I put you thro alot its hard to deal with me you say your not strong like me I'm not storng sarah I'm just cold on the inside but you you feel and you love with everything that you have your so trusting and loveing i wish i could be more like you i wish i had the faith in the world that you have.....in the end i wish i was more like you i love you more then you will ever know


I'll never forget the time you made me feel alive when death was on my mind or when you held onto me when the world let me fall behind you were love to me rather than just a word a friend was all you were and it changed my heart stood next to me thru the storm felt the wounds and kept me warm something i have never seen before and i thank you...u r Truly my other half i love u more then words can say n i dont know what id do wit out u. Id be so lost n just the thougt of not having u in my life makes my eyes water. our friendship can handle anything even my high school graduation (lol). No 1 n Nothing could tear us apart b/c we were made for each other. i mean what would u do with out my ranch dressing loveing random ass n my mixed matched analogie's that make absolutly no sense? I'll be here 4 u when every1 eles turns there back.u will always always always have me.u mean so much to me I'm actually about to cry.lol to late now i am crying SEE WHAT U DID. lol but n e who i kno where made 4 eachother because we can spend almost all are time togeather we sleep in the same bed we go to the same studios n we go out togeather n the bigest argument weve had yet is what kind of dog where getting n what were being for halloween. Where gonna be best friends n ur gonna be the godfather to my children they will call u uncle D OMG that'll be so cute. We'l go thro college togeather n who knos where we'l go from there. Where gonna take over the whole fuckin world.n the first thing we will do as rulers of the univers is kill off all the fugly gay boys n make all the tops look like tops n the bottoms look like bottoms lmao i cant tell u how much you mean to me iunno how. How do i show u ur my best friend n my intier world?I'll show you when i figure it out.... I love you


What can i say about you? how bout your amazing? I just want you to sit there for a miute and think about everything weve been thro? We've been thro more then anyone could ever know....Short raceist midgits, coloseted gay boys, regular boys, Sharpies, late nights, and stars, hair doos, and style changes... wev really grown up togeather! noone thought after i maoved that we'd stay this close well we have were still best friends of course weve had our ups and downs but who hasent? "My Best most favorit perason in the world is my number 1 her0 my best friend Shawn... hes been there thor everything Except that 1 december (Takeing Back December lol) those nights on the bridge (ARSON, and Look its going like this) our Trips to the crazyest places ever (But what if the check? No1s gonna see u gotta camera in your croutch) , our trips to philly (u want our uneaten burger mr homeless guy? No I'm a vegitaryian), Even our normal activitys were memorabul (::Arrow::::Arrow::::Arrow::::Arrow:: GASP!), even when we were apart we had jokes and conversations that we will for ever cherish (you swallowed, I have to go home, Shes been home for months) Shawn would do n e thing for me and i would do n e thing for him i love him and we will be friends" lol i'll never forget you as long as i live and you wana know something i'll never have to worry about you cause we will always be friends


Your amazingly strong....... I love how your so you. You never let anything get to you... you dont bukle under the pressure to be supermodle skinny or ambercrombie buff you and even tho your not either of those things (shit neither am i lol) you still learn to love yourself and hold a level of tru confidence that you cant fake.....I'll always look up to you and everything you stand for never let anyone get you donw cause your a ture Diva

Mrs. Stevenson

as far as i'm concerned this picture is the appitamy of you and your being. What eles can i say about you? I think your the most loud, obnocious, self centered, annoying, insane, rude perason i have ever meet.But i also think your one of the most LOYAL, kind, careing, funnyest, extordinarly talented, gorguse, sweetest, cuest person in the world and i dont think ive ever meet someone more like me. Thank you for everything i love you

My Blog

Hey is Shawn around? If so Tell him to Leave

This is a email from my "best friend" Britt to my real best friend Duran.......     hey listen i gotta talk to you. i just got MY laptop so HA now i can myspace all the time too :) Look ive ...
Posted by I Belong To Me</3 on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 11:39:00 PST

I hate people

i hate boys i hate the idea of love I'm alone and bitter and i don t give a fuck     I hate it when people get treated like shit and they do nothing about it they get pushed around and they ...
Posted by I Belong To Me</3 on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 09:25:00 PST

i str8ened my hair!

Me and D were like super bored sunday night so we played wit my hair   Setp one: wash it and blow it out with raechel the hair dryer Step 2: Hot Comb it! with Susan the hott comb! me and susan &...
Posted by I Belong To Me</3 on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 06:24:00 PST

this a blog alex wrote about me

  12:32 AM - this ones for you shawn Current mood: cynical you know...i was just talking to some asshole...right shawn? but anyways..he made me realize that there are some greedy fucking p...
Posted by I Belong To Me</3 on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 10:05:00 PST


BOYFREIND APPLICATION The position is open and applications are being excepted. Or if you just want to tell me a little about you, then go for it.1. name:____________ (First, Middle, Last)2. age:____...
Posted by I Belong To Me</3 on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 05:27:00 PST


fill me out and post as a comment on this page1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. Do you have a crush on me?5. Would you kiss me?6. Give me a nickname and explain why you p...
Posted by I Belong To Me</3 on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 06:17:00 PST


Hold my hands and Bite my lip Rip my cloths and Pierce my skin Cut my thigh and Carry on Cut me till the break of dawn I got hurt once I got hurt twice Now I'll cry a thousand times Hold me down as I ...
Posted by I Belong To Me</3 on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 05:55:00 PST


I needed you Today To help keep me strong I needed you Today To help me move on I needed you Today To help protect me from my heart Why do I even try to fight the demon's I can't hide? Why do I eve...
Posted by I Belong To Me</3 on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 05:54:00 PST


I love you but o well       I've learned to move past you and now I'm happy thanks to jamey Shes just a change in my life a much needed change and release dont get me rong i love sarah...
Posted by I Belong To Me</3 on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 08:31:00 PST


i hate you                             i love you                       &nb...
Posted by I Belong To Me</3 on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 08:44:00 PST