“When I’m worrying about whether a relationship will last or not, I already left it, and relationship are meant to be participated in, not observed, and participation and intimacy are intimately connected
“A kind and compassionate (PERSON) act is often it’s own reward! A successful PERSON doesn’t quit trying once a goal is reached but sets a new one and keep going, and a positive (PERSON) attitude helps bridge the gap between ability and expectation.
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes“If the essence of my beings has caused a smile to have appeared upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart, then in living I have made my markâ€.
I love music that can touch my heart and soul, musics that cannot only make me feel sexy but also show off my sexiness and my wild side in and out of the bedroom.
I love movies that provide excitement, arises your curiosity, and enhance your intellectual ability to see the good, the bad and the difference between hate & love.
Intellectual, classifying, brain enhancer; CSI-Las Vegas, NCIS, The Units, Cold Case, Without a Trace, Criminal Minds, Numbers, American Justice and CNN News and lets not forget my Smallville, Prison Break, Kyle XY, Moonlight and The Charmed.
When I want to learn something during my relaxation time I would read the Wit & Wisdom book, the English Dictionary, Medical Dictionary and the Pharmacology-the study of prescriptions and non-prescriptions drugs in our body.
An Angel and a gift from up above my son Michael, and