maintaining a fresh perspective. the people/animals i love and their lives. deep sleeps. remembering my dreams. strong coffee. humid heat. good living and loving. traveling. sun and clouds. life. photographs. cultural studies. ocean waves and salty skin make me feel good. sports. honest interactions. people/animals i don't know and their lives. sweet tastes as well as salsa and other delish condiments. beer and wine. liquor, too. not so organized religions. laughter. nice looking feet (used, tanned, scarred, maybe callused, but clean). driving. being driven. "dancing naked under palm trees". my J-O-B. creating things (food, clothes, stories, new words). the use of a stretching imagination and good sense of humor. figuring things out on my own (but until i do, i don't mind not knowing). living a simply exciting life. some call me a hippie. some call me a pacifist. but my loved ones know that if hurt or insult is brought upon my friends, family or's on.
rob machado. tom. and tarzan.
i like.
amazing grace and chuck..what?
i don't want to talk about it. exception below.
descartes impacted my life hard. always in the middle of a few.
SUPER! ...two buck chuck. and friendly, smiling bus drivers.