Following the Los Angeles Dodgers, playing golf, baseball, basketball, playstation, going out to clubs (rock en espanol and 80's are good) R and B Hip hop as well.
Single girls that are sarcastic, smart, athletic, funny and are currently in college/college grad. Woman who have high intelligence do not intimidate me; quite the opposite. It’s refreshing! I enjoy learning new subjects, opinions and information. I enjoy it even further when an attractive woman is doing the educating on any subject. Smart and Stunning = Twice as impressive! I’m especially enjoy Hispanic women with light skin and dark hair that are into alternative music or rock in espanol. I HAVE ALL THIS TO OFFER.....WHAT DO YOU GIRLS HAVE TO OFFER IN RETURN? Dont be shy, send me an invite and we will go from there. P.S. The only GAMES I play in LIFE are on Playstation 2.(NO SOLICITATION OF ANY KIND, TO INCLUDE LIVE ONLINE WEB CAM or FAKE INVITES FROM GIRLS THAT ARE NOT REAL....Yeah! Im talking to all of you out there!)
80's, The Cure, The Smiths, Mana and any R and B/hip hop thats vogue. Through some alternative in there too.
Master and Commander, Top Gun, Million Dollar Baby, Pirates of the carrabien, War of the Worlds, The Matrix, V for Vandeta.
ESPN, The Office, 30 Rock, Family Guy, American Dad, Nova, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Comedy Central, MTV, VH1.
The Alchemist, Never Be lied to again, War of the worlds, King of Torts, 7 habbits of highly effective people, leadership 101, Coming of age in mississippi.
My his soul. My little sister Maritza Torrez who became great when she graduated college in June of 06. She is someone to look up to. My friend Ricky Silva who has done the same and also provided me with advice to mold my life. Thanks to both of you.